in #articles7 years ago

Timcliff has recently submitted a pull request to Steemit. In this request @timcliff is asking that the protection given to the users 65+ reputation be removed.
This sounds like some what of immunity clause.

For those who don not know, when a user's post gets downvoted to a negative r-score, the post is hidden. Also when a user's post gets votes to a certain level the post is is hidden but the case is different with a user with a high reputation of 65+. There post is never hidden in the cases mentioned above.

While many steemit users are in support of this move by @timcliff, few others are against it. I am among the many who are in support of the pull request.

If the pull request is considered and accepted, i think some sense of equality will be felt by all users. Aside equality, there will be cyber security against abuses of this high profiled users.

Equality: every user should be treated the same way, given equal opportunity and be held to the same standards.
If post merits to be hidden let it be hidden.

Anti abuses: in every system, there is always abuse of power. The removal of this protection will reduce the cyber threat. Users will be aware that they can not abuse the system.
A bad post or spam is an abuse not minding who made the post or owns it.

Finally, since there is no guarantee that all users of 65+ reputation are all people of good morals.
Why give them the oppurtinty to take advantage of unsuspecting users; give upper hand to exploit, spam and scam.

Please feel free to drop your comments. Whats your take, are you for or against the Pull request. @timcliff @originalwork


@andyluy i forgot to acknowledge that you gave me the insight to creat this post. @andyluy

I support this motion too bro

Am in support too

Wow,this is something big,i hope the authority sees this post and do something about it, but i think since steemit reward you for hardwork, the 65+ reputation,people who have it got it by hardwork, are you saying people should not be rewarded for their hardwork?

This is not the matter of rewarding hardwork, it regards the fact that 65+ reputation users are immune and protected from downvote.

I was unaware that 65+ rep users are relatively immune to downvotes.

One strong case in favor of the argument to remove protection:

  • Hostile takeover - via phishing or other methods - where the hostile also abuses the account's posting privileges.

Imagine disturbing or pornographic materials without the NSFW tag that cannot be effectively flagged into invisibility.

Also - there is always the possibility of an account user actually being a wolf in sheep's clothing.

So yes... it makes sense to retain countermeasures regardless of rep level.

You are on point. Valid point you have raised.

That doesn't explain the recent (accidental?) flag. :c)

It was accidental, what do i do please?

I 'think' that you can reverse it if you want - but thankfully its not gonna hurt me in this case so don't worry. :c)

Thanks for the understanding

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