Some Of Our Physicians Are Committing Medical Torts & Are Not Paying The Price For Their Actions

in #article7 years ago

Has A Physician Treated Your Loved One As If Their Well-Being Was Just A ROLL Of DICE?

Some Of Our Physicians Are Committing Medical Torts & Are Not Paying The Price For Their Actions

As a result of medical malpractice, many of our loved ones not only suffer for a lifetime, of which their lifetime has been abruptly shortened by the lack of competence or conflicts of interest, as imposed on the value of their lives, by their physicians, but there has been countless loss of their lives as a direct result of said torts. Needless to say, they have no support from attorney's that deny their claims because of the expense involved in accepting cases based on medical malpractice or medical negligence.


As a healthcare professional, trained and certified in the legal aspects of healthcare, I implore each of you to not just stand along the sidelines, allowing medical malpractice that tortures our loved ones for a lifetime, unless these torts have already killed them, and especially if they lost their lives.

How many of you are able to relate to this issue first hand? I can.


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