Where can I find answers to critical questions? How is the compatibility?

in #article6 years ago

When we first take our steps with reason to the reality of our existence and the reality of our reality, we go to look for things we do not know and ask ourselves: where, where and to where?

 The superiority of our mental abstraction and our pursuit of common sense to reach the truth and make us on the path to uncover the reality surrounding us to know the reasons and causes that govern our reality, both material or moral

 "And we have honored the sons of Adam and carried them on land and sea, and provided them with the gift and preferred them to many of us who created a preference."

Advantage of mind

And the advantage that God has distinguished from the rest of his creation, namely, the mind.

We get to the causes of things and how they occur on the level of information that we do not know and prevent us from linking to many facts that have a direct relationship to many of the non-material sciences, which have a direct impact on the moral side of our lives as values ​​that determine our moral path and the pattern of dealing with others and our relationship with the Creator The universe guides us to the way to collect the physical facts, which is supervised by the mind, which in turn explains the relations of the ruling. We find the world of Newton, the discoverer of gravity, based on the principle of the origin of the attic to which the pilot can not explain. He had a reason when he used his mind and asked about the faults of things that came to the law of gravity.

And the mind also does not lose sight of the role of the senses to be limited to the role of transport only and does not play the role of interpretation, which is occupied by the mind when we see the moon we see small size, but the mind alone who translates its size after the distance unlike the senses, which is limited to the role of transport only. And the mind codifies the role of emotion and make them under the biography of good value in accordance with the principles of real and sound so as to abstain from blind emotional domination.

 Crucial questions .. Where? Where? Where to?

The reason is that we are looking for the source of our existence, our Creator, and our belief that the universe is organized if we believe that every system is organized and we believe in the existence of God as our just creator and we believe in those who descend from God and here restrain the mind so as not to exceed its boundaries. In transactions and worship and we know the practical application of values ​​such as justice and ethics and their importance in the progress of our society. So what is the use of the mind in most things of our lives only for knowledge? By using the mind, we escape from the barriers of thinking to block us from the proper thinking of psychological and moral problems and many other reasons that result from the absence of logical thinking and in the mind we move away from exaggeration and generalization and also keep us away from the dualism and extremism most of our life.

The optimal use of knowledge tools and knowledge of their boundaries can be answered by our crucial question.

Where, where and to where?


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