in #article7 years ago

In the colonial era, so many life were lost in trying to buy freedom from the shackles of colonial masters, in the heart of our fore-fathers the European's stay on African Soil was all disadvantage and no advantage, at least the educated us enough for us to know good from bad.

Our mindset was based on opinion that the white men's prescence in Africa signifies darkness, and yet they taught us self goverment, mineral minning, agricultural develop among many others.

Today makes it 57 years the british left Nigerian soils, but are we really now free from the so called hand of slavery? Sometimes the quest for freedom makes a frying egg jump out of the pan into the fire. Howbeit, the man who is called the president, will sit at his vacation mansion delivering emotional rubbish telling us how thankful we should be, for being alive on indepence day.

Nevertheless take a look outside your window, tell me if there's justice? Tell me if the rule of law fuctions properly? Show me a government thief who is in jail for embezzling public fund?
Or show me a politician who has not played dirty games?
Show me a valuable commodity which we can buy with the smallest of our currency?

Make no mistake, i am not making my assesment on personal grudge. We are celebrating freedom from the british yet we are prisoners of poverty, underdevelopment, corruption and terrorism, even the Nation is facing a threat of seccession.

I do not blame Donald Trump who say Africans can't govern themselves, people called him a racist, but is he entirely wrong?

Most African leaders are kings of embezzelment, the get to power and their entire generation will spend the money they have looted, even most of them fail to leave power look at Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, even at more that 80 years of age, he is still in charge of a democratic state.

How then can we define independence?
Everyday in Nigeria, people loot public fund, and get celebrated for it. Minors steal token, and go to jail for it. Where is the independence in this slavery?

Africa is plagued with coruption but make no mistake Nigerian leaders takes the lead in the corruption chart, and that's why many countries have flagged Nigerians as terrorist and internet criminals, even PAYPAL an online money transfer medium has restricted Nigeria.

It's time we ignore our sense of patriotism and call a spade a spade, the country is like a whited sepulchre, outside seem good, but inside is filled with filth pepetrated by our leaders.

We can never be free, if we are not truly free, the land is blest with good people, good resources, however it would be both ignorance and foolish to celebrate freedom from the british. When we ourselves are in shackles made by us.
Let us conceive Change in our heart, it may be far away, but we can make it inevitable.

God bless Nigeria.

My name is Josediccus

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Wow thought provoking and spoken from the heart. There are many kinds of slavery and none of it good. Its as old as human kind itself. So is the corruption of the powerful towards the vulnerable. I know nothing of Nigeria. But Mugabe is infamous.

Well Thank you for the honourable comment sir/ma, today is our independence so i had to write this

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