Article - Manage Your Life

in #article6 years ago


Want to Enjoy Life ? Manage your Time

If you are like most people , you definitely spend a lot of time on the day to day work
Even too much time is spent on the job , to the point that other times have to be sacrificed
For example many are too focused on their work to forget the time for family or refreshing


If you want to enjoy time with your loved ones or just want to enjoy life better , you must learn how to manage time properly
If you do not manage it to the maximum , you will always be stuck in a routine that seems endless and can not get out of it
Like getting into the vast labyrinth and getting lost so you can not get out again

There are several ways to manage your time

1. Make a list of what to do today

If you run to and fro out like a chick , you will not get to the destination
This is what people do not know what they want to do
So , they just do what comes to mind

So , in the morning before you start your move , make a list of what you will do that day
Create a schedule of your activities
A director just needs a schedule set by his secretary
If not , they also must be confused what to do

2. Delegate work to others

One reason people are too busy to have no time is because they are too much work

Trying to do all the work yourself will definitely make you stress and depressed
You are also an ordinary human who can not do everything alone
If you have a job someone else can do , then do it
That way , your workload will definitely decrease a lot and save more time

3. Get enough sleep

Well , this is one of the diseases suffered by city people , namely lack of sleep
Did you know when sleep deprived , your concentration and focus must be dispersed
Physical very uncomfortable
So whether you can maximize your work
You must be slower to do it , which means more time wasted

When you get enough sleep , your energy is re-welded full
In the morning you must feel more refreshed
That way , you can be more passionate in doing the job

When you sleep less , the next day will be heavy sleepy
When you re sleepy , you are like a daze
Your awareness is diminished , there is no passion to do anything

4. Do the heavy work first

The disease of most people is like doing the easy things first
This is why many people fire a beard when the deadline is almost here
This is because they are relaxing doing the easy first
As soon as the deadline approaches and the work gets harder , stress is a matter of time
As a result , to pursue deadlines , forced overtime which certainly spends more time

If the school exam we are told to do an easy problem first , in the real world is not applicable When we do heavy work first , there are 2 advantages

The first is , when successfully solve it will arise a feeling of confidence
The second is that you are more relaxed when the deadline comes compared to other people whose hair must be kinky thinking about how to complete the job

Hopefully with 4 tricks above , you can save more time , and you can enjoy many things you want to enjoy

Thank you for reading my article and hopefully useful




nice one.

This is a really good "instruction" like a approach that opens up "awareness" with practical consideration and regard for "how" an individual can better "manage" their time, to create and cultivate Best shared enjoyments.


Well done.

Cool to connect with an Open Mind.

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Tips are really useful. Nice post @gumegxgolgom. Thanks for sharing.😊

Hi @gumegxgolgom, I love this post and fully agree with you. It's so important to manage our life to be successful. This is so related to our HHG5 when we are discussing work-life balance after joining Steemit. I really like that photo of carrying stone on the head... Good sharing! Keep it up! Stay blessed and Steem On!

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