Signs of Lung Lung Disease What You Should Look Out for!

in #article7 years ago

Wet lung disease is one of the diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi or other factors that have no connection with other microbial infections that cause inflammation of the lungs or in the medical world is called pneumonia.

In addition pneumonia triggers are other diseases such as diabetes mellitus, heart disease, asthma and cancer. Although at this time people who are infected with this wet lung disease will recover, but about 5% pnderita this disease also has a poor prognosis that can lead to death in the sufferer.

The Cause of Wet Lung Disease

Wet lungs usually begin with an infection of the upper respiratory system. These infections are usually caused by viruses and bacteria, but infections caused by parasites and fungi can also occur. The organism usually enters the lung system through the air expelled by the body.

Some organisms can also infect a person's lungs through the bloodstream. After entering the respiratory tract, the organism then attacks the parenchyma and alveoli of a person's lungs.

The body will then produce immunity to fight the organism, which can lead to cytokine release, inflammation, damage to the combined lung and lung system.

The risk of wet lung is greater for patients suffering from certain health conditions, including those with weakened immune systems, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease), and other prolonged conditions, such as diabetes and kidney disease.

Those who have been hospitalized for long periods of time, especially those who are intubated and are using respiratory aids, are also at high risk for this disease. Smoking habits and drinking alcohol and exposure to livestock and bird droppings also increases a person's risk of getting wet lungs.

Bacterial infection is the most common cause of wet lung. The bacteria that most commonly cause this condition is Streptococcus pneumoniae, followed by Haemophilus influenzae. Absorbing the stomach contents also causes anaerobic organisms to be inhaled by a person.

Meanwhile, the most frequent strains of the virus are RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), rhinovirus and influenza viruses, especially during the flu season.

Infections due to parasites and fungi usually occur in those who have weakened immune systems, and live or travel to areas where the organism is growing. For patients infected with HIV, the infection caused by Pneumocytis jiroveci is quite common, and usually lethal.

Infections caused by mixtures between the above organisms can occur in 15-45% of the total cases of wet lung.

Signs of Wet Lung Disease

One of the diseases that cause death in the United States is wet lung disease Pneumonia). Each year it affects about 450 million people, and 7% of the world's population, and about 4 million people will die.

For that it is very necessary for you to know the symptoms of wet lung disease or pneumonia, because by knowing the symptoms of the wet lungs you can do things that can avoid the disease.

Symptoms or signs of wet lung include:

  • Body feels weak, tired and listless.

  • Decreased appetite.

  • Nausea to vomiting.

  • Your palms and feet feel cold until wet.

  • Every night dry.

  • Fever.

  • Chest pain when breathing from the inside or when coughing.

  • Hard to breathe.

  • Stone phlegm or dry.

How To Avoid Wet Lungs

Away from Alcohol Drinks


Not much different from cigarettes, alcohol drinks are also beverages that can be the trigger for the emergence of various types of diseases in the human body. Drinks containing alcohol are certainly things you should avoid, because these drinks can also cause wet lung disease.

For those of you who want to avoid the disease of wet lungs is to avoid drinks containing alcohol. In addition, alcohol can also cause other dangerous diseases.

Maintain cleanliness

Maintaining cleanliness, whether it is body hygiene or environmental hygiene is very important and also your obligations, especially cleanliness on hand. That's because the hands can be a means of intermediary entry of microorganisms into the body so that it can cause the wet lungs to occur.

Avoiding Cigarettes


For those of you who regularly smoke, menghentikaan regular smoking habit is very difficult thing. Because cigarettes are a bad habit that has been proven one of the source of the emergence of various types of diseases ranging from mild to ganas disease

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