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RE: "May you live in interesting times" - an old Chinese curse

in #article8 years ago

The odds are extremely low that I'm delusional, believe me (to borrow an oft used phrase from Trump).

What I am is aware and unbiased (I don't "take a side" on the political spectrum) and what I see in Trump is a man who's a slave to greed and narcissism, likely a sociopath with a chance of being a complete psychopath, undoubtedly a pathological liar (this has been proven by him denying having said things that I, myself, have heard him say in video), now at the highest position (of power) on the planet.

The man has charisma, I give him that. He has the gift of gab and the power to sway (mostly non-critical thinkers), but a good person he is not. Not by a LONG shot.


I'd so like to hear your take on Hillary.
Trump hasn't been racist or sexist. The main reason I'm for him is Syria. Hillary would like to keep arming ISIS and topple Assad. Trump doesn't. Supporting Hillary is supporting a massmurderer and pathological liar.

TBH, I don't have much to offer Hillary, in terms of compliments or votes of confidence, but I do see her as a better human, overall, compared to Trump. Furthermore, she has government experience, while Trump has none - some of his campaigners came out after the election stating that he wasn't even serious about the election or becoming a president just a few months back (similar to how Howard Stern was winning in his election for New York governor in 1994 and eventually backed down, actually a bit ashamed that he was in the lead, due to his obvious lack of experience, or even seriousness - he did it more as a joke and he still could have won it!), yet, here he is, now the president of the US and the leader of its dominant military force.

Hilary is a politician, so I give you that she's a pathological liar (so is Trump, for that matter). As to supporting mass-murder, she's an American leader - she has to support mass-murder at some level, at some point along her hypothetical term as president, given the current state of affairs in the world and the agendas of the two leading political parties in the US. The same will be true for Trump, perhaps with a different twist.

Neither one of them acts only in their own interest, you know? Neither of them could even if they wanted to (unless they don't care about being impeached, that is).

I'm not saying that it's right. I'm not supporting it. I'm just saying that you have to be a specific type of person to become president - the type that doesn't concern over what it costs to remain dominant in the military and economic world(s). Our government can ill afford a commander and chief that has empathy and/or compassion for the "other", too many resources have went into building our military position to let it all float away with a single visionary.

This world is about "me" (patriotism/ tribalism) and being clever about making it appear as if care is being taken to keep peace and order for everybody. Our only real concern, at the tribal leaders' (governmental) level, is for how much violence and aggression will be aimed at us, and from whom, as we continue to claw our way towards more and more power (gathering more and more resources).

Trump is the new tribe leader and, though unqualified in terms of experience, he fits the bill in every other way. He's a politician without political experience, and now we get to watch him go through the growing pains. Yippee.

Seems to me you have no clue who Hillary is and what she has done.

Mr T. is capable of doing everything that Hilary has ever done and everything she has ever dreamed of doing, without giving it so much as a thought...believe me.

It's so tremendous to make statements without any form of facts or evidence to back them...believe me.

Do you believe me yet?

Oh, that's right, it takes at least three repetitions of affirming a suggestion to get it to slip through to the subconscious mind...believe me...there, now you're a drone, too.

...and one more time for good luck: Mr. T, tremendous, believe me...

"Mr T. is capable of doing everything that Hilary has ever done and everything she has ever dreamed of doing, without giving it so much as a thought...believe me."
I sincerely hope not.
Have you watched the news lately? Support for Syrian Rebels/ISIS is gonna end in January once idiot Obama leaves office. TTP talks are over.
Continue to be ignorant. Everyone dodged a bullet with Killary losing.

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