10 great tips for getting more visitors from your articles

in #article3 years ago

If you have a web store, here's a terrible fact: the number one reason people go online is to find free information, not to buy products.
However, if you create free content, this might be fantastic news. It signifies you've got a technique ready to go if you need extra traffic.

If you have a web store, here's a terrible fact: the number one reason people go online is to find free information, not to buy products.
However, if you create free content, this might be fantastic news. It signifies you've got a technique ready to go if you need extra traffic.

One of the quickest and easiest ways to get targeted traffic to your homepage is to write articles. Three sources of traffic will drive traffic to your articles:

  1. Search Engines: Including your website's URL in your resource box boosts your link popularity and Pagerank, resulting in greater search engine ranks.

  2. Newsletters: Ezine publishers who write their own content are few and few between. They are in desperate need of free articles from people like us.

  3. Homepages: Webmasters prefer websites with a lot of material. They also require your content in order to post them on their websites.

Here are some helpful suggestions for increasing the amount of traffic and visitors to your articles:

  1. Use SpamAssassin to check your content. As a result, you can rest assured that your content will not be deleted by Spamkillers.

  2. Avoid including a date in your article. Copyright - articles written two years ago may still be relevant, but if the copyright states 2003, publishers may assume the information is outdated.

  3. Submit your articles to the announcement lists for articles.

  4. Begin your article with a sentence that piques the interest of your reader. Internet users are inundated with information, and they will determine whether or not to read your article based on the first sentence. They will put down the book if it intrigues, surprises, stimulates, engages, or challenges them.

  5. Make a 'My Articles' list for folks who wish to be notified when you publish new content. Include a sign-up form on your website and invite your visitors to participate.

  6. Make a zip file with all of your past articles in text or html format. Include the download link in your signature file, autoresponders, and newsletters.

  1. Write your Resource Box in the third person, not as an advertisement: Ezine Publishers might enjoy your content but not your Resource Box.

  2. Submit your work to all available online article directories. Try searching for "article directory" or "free article publishing" in Google.

  3. Include URLs for your article and/or homepage when submitting your content to article lists.

  4. Don't forget to mention the autoresponder address for your post.
    That is all there is to it. All the knowledge you'll need to increase the number of people who read your posts!

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