history of amniotic boats

in #articel6 years ago



Tangkuban Parahu or Tangkuban Perahu Volcano is one of the mountains located in West Java Province, Indonesia. About 20 km north of Bandung, with lush pine trees and a stretch of tea gardens in the vicinity, Mount Tangkuban Perahu has a height of 2,084 meters. The shape of this mountain is Stratovulcano with an eruption center that moves from east to west. The types of rock released through eruptions are mostly lava and sulfur, the minerals released are sulfur sulfur, the minerals released when the mountain is inactive are sulfur vapor. The area of ​​Mount Tangkuban Perahu is managed by the Forestry Public Corporation. The average daily temperature is 17 o C during the day and 2 o C at night.

Mount Tangkuban Perahu has a Dipterocarp Hill forest area, Upper Dipterocarp forest, Montane forest, and Ericaceous Forest or mountain forest.

Legend of the local people

The origin of Mount Tangkuban Perahu is associated with the legend of Sangkuriang, which is said to fall in love with his mother, Dayang Sumbi / Rarasati. To thwart the intention of her son to marry her, Dayang Sumbi proposed the condition that Sangkuriang make a lake and a boat overnight. When his business failed, Sangkuriang was angry and kicked the boat so that it landed upside down. This boat then forms Tangkuban Parahu Mountain.

Mount Tangkuban Parahu includes active volcanoes whose status is monitored continuously by the Indonesian Volcanology Directorate. Some of the craters still show signs of this mountain activity. Among the signs of this volcanic activity is the emergence of sulfur gas and hot springs at the foot of the mountain, among them is in Kasawan Ciater, Subang. Tangkuban Parahu Mountain experienced a small eruption in 2006, which caused 3 minor injuries.


The existence of this mountain and the form of Bandung's topography in the form of a basin with hills and mountains on each side reinforces the theory of the existence of a large lake which is now the Bandung area. It is believed by geologists that the highland area of ​​Bandung with an altitude of approximately 709 m above sea level is the remnant of a large lake formed by damming Ci Tarum by ancient volcanic eruptions known as Mount Sunda and Mount Tangkuban Parahu which are the remains of ancient Sunda Mountain. who is still active. This phenomenon can be seen on Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait and the Ngorongoro region in Tanzania, Africa. So that the legend of Sangkuriang which is the story of the region's community is believed to be a documentation of the people of the area of ​​Mount Sunda Purba against the events at that time.

Accessibility With Vehicles

The route to get to Mount Tangkuban Perahu tourism area is past the Pasteur toll gate, proceed to Jl. Dr. Djunjunan - continue to Pasirkaliki - pass Sukajadi - Setiabudi - Lembang then reach the Tangkubanparahu (Upper Gate) location.

If you exit through the Padalarang toll gate (via Cipularang), you can take directions to Cimahi then turn left through Jl. Colonel Masturi, then continue to follow the Colonel Masturi road to the end (past the Cisarua sub-district and Parongpong sub-districts, West Bandung District), then when you meet the T-junction Jl. Raya Lembang, turn left and continue to follow the road past the Brimob headquarters etc., about 1 kilometer away will arrive at the Gate access to the Tangkuban Perahu crater tour (left of the road).

In West Java, precisely in Bandung Regency, there is a very beautiful recreation area, Tangkuban Perahu Volcano. Tangkuban Perahu means an upside down boat. Named like because the shape does resemble an upside down boat. It is said that according to the folklore of the parahyangan mountain it is indeed an upside down boat. Here's the story.

Thousands of years ago, the land of Parahyangan was led by a king and a queen who only had a daughter. The daughter was named Dayang Sumbi. He is very beautiful and smart, unfortunately he is very spoiled. One day while weaving on the palace veranda, Dayang Sumbi felt weak and dizzy. He dropped the thread spinning to the floor many times. When the spinning falls for the umpteenth time Dayang Sumbi gets angry and swears, she will marry anyone who wants to get the spin. Right after the words of the oath were said, came a magical dog named Tumang and handed the spinning to Dayang Sumbi's hand. So inevitably, according to his oath, Dayang Sumbi must marry the dog.


Dayang Sumbi and Tumang lived happily until they were blessed with a child in the form of a human child but had magical powers like his father. This child is named Sangkuriang. During his growth, Sangkuring was accompanied by a dog named Tumang who he only knew as a loyal dog, not as his father. Sangkuriang grew up to be a handsome and strong young man.

One day, Dayang Sumbi told her to go with her dog to hunt deer for a party. After a long search without success, Sangkuriang felt hopeless, but he did not want to disappoint his mother. So he was very compelled to take an arrow and aim it at Tumang. Arriving at the house he handed Tumang meat to his mother. dayanng Sumbi who thought that meat was deer meat, was happy for the success of her child.
Immediately after the party after Dayang Sumbi remembered Tumang and asked his son where Tumang was. At first Sangkuriang felt scared, but finally he said what had happened to his mother. Dayang Sumbi became very angry, in her anger she hit Sangkuriang until she fainted right on her forehead. For his actions, Dayang Sumbi was expelled from the kingdom by his father. Luckily Sangkuriang regained consciousness but his mother's blow left a very wide scar on his forehead. After growing up, Sangkuriang went wandering to find out about the outside world.

A few years later, Sangkuriang met a very beautiful woman. He immediately fell in love with the woman. The woman is her own mother, but they don't recognize each other. Sangkuriang proposed to him, Dayang Sumbi accepted happily. The day before the wedding day, when he was stroking his fiance's hair, Dayang Sumbi saw a wide scar on Sangkuriang's forehead, finally he realized that he was almost married to his own son. Knowing this, Dayang Sumbi tried to thwart her marriage. After thinking hard he finally decided to apply for marriage terms that Sangkuriang could not grant. The conditions are: Sangkuriang must make a dam that can cover the entire hill and then make a boat to traverse the dam. All of that must be finished before dawn.

Sangkuriang starts working. His great love for Sangkuriang gave him a strange power. Not to forget he also used the power he got from his father to summon jinns and help him. With mud and soil they block water from rivers and springs. Just before dawn, Sangkuriang cut down a large tree to make a boat. When Dayang Sumbi saw that Sangkuriang was close to completing his work, he prayed to the gods to hinder his son's work and accelerate the arrival of the morning.

Roosters crow, the sun rises faster than usual and Sangkuriang realizes that he has been deceived. Very angrily he cursed Dayang Sumbi and kicked her artificial boat that almost made it into the middle of the forest. The boat was there upside down, and formed Tangkuban Perahu Mountain (a boat that swamped). Not far from the place was the remaining tree stump from the Sangkuriang felling, now we know it as Bukit Tunggul. The dam made by Sangkuriang caused the entire hill to be filled with water and formed a lake where Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi drowned and were not heard again until now.


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