the benefits of coffee

in #articel6 years ago (edited)

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in Indonesia. In Indonesia, coffee is very diverse, depending on the region. Starting from Aceh coffee, Toraja coffee, Flores Coffee, Ternate Coffee, and many more types of coffee that come from almost all regions in Indonesia.


Coffee itself is famous for its caffeine content. Yes, caffeine is very beneficial for the body, but keep in mind, the amount of caffeine that enters the body should be kept so that it is not too much. If the amount of caffeine that enters the body is appropriate, then it will increase energy and stamina. The stamina produced by caffeine is what keeps you awake. So many people believe that coffee can eliminate sleepiness.

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Benefits of black coffee

The benefits of black coffee are numerous. Starting from being able to eliminate depression, overcome diabetes, diet, and so forth. We will discuss it here.


One of the benefits of black coffee is to prevent depression by calming the mind and making it all feel more relaxed. Depression is usually caused by a lack of hope in accordance with the existing reality. This form of disappointment can make depression that lasts a long time or just depends on the individual's endurance.

Body metabolism

In order for the body's metabolism to be smooth and the performance of the organ is maintained, black coffee can provide these benefits. The benefits of black coffee this one is quite promising because it already has a lot of evidence.

Improve memory

The benefit of the next coffee is to improve the memory of something. As you get older, everyone will experience memory decline. To prevent this from happening earlier it is better to be diligent in consuming black coffee. Black coffee serves to improve memory. So that it is not only suitable for consumption by adults but children of growth age are also allowed to consume this black coffee. But still remember to always consume black coffee in sufficient quantities and should not be excessive.



You will not believe when reading this. But believe that one of the benefits of black coffee is to overcome headaches. Black coffee can calm the mind so it becomes safe. But remember not to consume excessive amounts of black coffee. Eat as much as you need.


If you consume black coffee regularly, the benefits of coffee will be felt as a deterrent to diabetes. As we know, diabetes is caused by the reduced ability of the hormone insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. Diabetes can be caused by genetic factors and also unhealthy lifestyles so to prevent diabetes need to apply a healthy lifestyle such as eating vegetables and fruits and exercising diligently.

Skin cancer

Did you know that black coffee can prevent skin cancer? Yes, if you are still in doubt, this is the right time to explain it. People who drink at least four cups of coffee a day have a 20% lower risk of developing skin cancer melanoma (a type of cancer that develops in melanocytes, skin pigment cells that function as melanin producers) than non-coffee drinkers. Of course that doesn't mean we only have to drink coffee every day to avoid skin cancer, huh.

Caffeine contained in coffee is believed to be useful to help suppress body cells that have the potential to become cancerous when exposed to the sun. In addition, the substances contained in coffee are also claimed to be able to fend off stressoxidatives on the skin. Stress in question is a condition in which the body's skin experiences stress due to too much exposure to UV light, such as reddened skin, black spots, burning, DNA damage, and premature aging.


Antioxidants are natural substances that are produced directly by the body from within. But sometimes the amount of antioxidants is insufficient so that additional additions from outside the body such as eating fruits and vegetables are rich in natural antioxidants. Antioxidants have a function to counteract free radical attacks that make premature aging of the skin. The source of natural antioxidants other than fruit is by consuming black coffee.


Who would have thought that black coffee is also good for your diet. For women having an ideal body weight is one of their own happiness in life. The ideal weight makes you appear more confident to take a role in public. No need to bother with consuming a variety of diet drugs because eating black coffee can help you lose weight.

Prevent heart disease

Black coffee is also good for preventing heart disease. The heart is one organ that functions to drain blood throughout the body. So that every body organ gets a part to be able to carry out its duties properly.

Benefits of bitter coffee

The benefits of bitter coffee turned out to be very much and more amazing than we imagined. Drinking bitter coffee does not mean drinking without sugar, but it can also mean drinking coffee with a little sugar.

Because there are many ways people drink coffee, starting from mixed milk, latte, or sugar. What we are discussing now is the benefit of bitter coffee which tends to be drunk by people with very little sugar or even without sugar.*

The following are the benefits of bitter coffee in terms of health.

Reducing Damage to Cognitive Functions in the Elderly

Women and men who often drink unsweetened bitter coffee can also have very good motor and sensory nerves. Decreased nerve function usually occurs in the elderly and can reduce parental activity ability. However, regular consumption of black coffee has been shown to reduce all types of risk of aging associated with nerves.

In fact this has been proven by a nutritionist and diet named Joan Salge Blake and the study was written in the American Journal of Epidemiology (2002 edition).

Reducing Diabetes Potential

The benefits of bitter coffee without sugar are indeed one of the very good drinks in reducing the potential for increased blood sugar levels. Coffee also serves to expedite the metabolic process so that the production of hormone insulin can be done according to the needs of the body.

People who can consume black coffee regularly can increase insulin production and balance hormones that regulate insulin production.

Supporting Bone Health

Calcium deficiency is one of the things that most often causes bone disease. This disease is more common in older people, especially women who have experienced menopause. This is because the calcium period in the body cannot be absorbed by bones properly.

The calcium contained in coffee can improve bone health and prevent all types of complaints in the bones for both women and men

Increase productivity

Coffee is a very good ingredient to help the process of burning fat in the body and can increase productivity. Caffeine can also send stimulant effects on the central nerve so that it can increase the process of fat oxidation and accelerate the metabolic process.

Benefits of coffee for facial skin

Besides giving amazing effects for health. The benefits of coffee can also be felt by women who want to have beautiful facial skin. Yes, coffee has tremendous benefits for facial skin. Anything?

Minimize facial pores

Non-smooth facial texture is usually caused because the pores are too large. If we routinely use coffee as a mask, then gradually the pores on our face will get smaller and the face will be smooth.

Overcoming oily face

An oily face will be prone to zits. In addition, an oily face looks more dull and causes a lot of dirt to easily stick to the face. Coffee masks can overcome this oily face so that the face is more moist if masking is done regularly. This is the benefit of coffee for oily faces

Overcoming dull face

Coffee has a high antioxidant content that can be used to protect the skin from free radicals. Besides that coffee can lift dead skin on the face so that the face will look brighter if the mask is used regularly. Coffee masks will also make the face fresher.

Soften and smooth the skin

Coffee can be used as a scrub so that it makes the skin smoother. Not all faces have smooth skin texture so we can use coffee as the best solution.

Overcoming and disguising acne scars

Acne is a major problem for women. Besides disturbing appearance, sometimes pimples cause pain. Therefore, acne is avoided by everyone. When acne appears, most people will break the zit because they want to get rid of it immediately. But this will actually leave stains on the face. Even if we don't use the right method, the stain won't disappear. Therefore, the use of coffee masks can eliminate acne scars without side effects.

Remove blackheads

Blackheads usually appear around the nose. If blackheads are not immediately removed, it will turn into blackheads and in the end it will be difficult to get rid of. Coffee masks can prevent blackheads and even coffee masks can remove blackheads on the nose. Simply putting a coffee mask on the nose will make blackheads lift and the nose clean.

Benefits of ginger coffee

The benefits of ginger coffee do not just provide a warm feeling in the body. But more than that. Adding ginger or cinnamon to coffee will provide tremendous benefits over coffee and sugar.

There are so many compounds that are useful in ginger and cinnamon, and even highly recommended for drinking after heavy physical exercise to relieve complaints of muscle aches and fatigue.

Drinking ginger without any mixture can also warm the body in the winter and as a cold medicine, catch a cold, reduce cancer growth to asthma and so on.

Ginger contains several gingerol, shogaol, flavonoids, saponins, zingerone and other compounds that are beneficial for health and disease prevention.

Drinking coffee or ginger tea is more effective in dealing with the problem of muscle pain. Add a few pieces of ginger or cinnamon to coffee or tea and feel the pleasure. Flavonoids and saponins in ginger are compounds that have many health benefits. Both compounds act as anti-inflammatory, antifungal, anti-cancer agents, to strengthen the body's immune system.

It should be noted that do not boil ginger with boiling temperatures approaching 100 degrees Celsius because if more, the compounds that are useful in ginger become useless or become useless for your body's health.

More complete benefits of ginger coffee are as follows:

smoothing blood circulation coping with flatulence treating migraines drunk fever and coughing motion sickness allergy treating morning sickness counteracting free radicals treating inflammation of arthritis arthritis

Benefits of black coffee for men and women

Nobody thought that the benefits of coffee could be felt differently based on men and women. In other words, the benefits of coffee for men and women are different.

This time we will discuss it in detail. The following are the benefits of black coffee for men and women.

Benefits of black coffee for men

The benefits of black coffee will be more pronounced for men if consumed properly and the dosage is appropriate. Remember, don't overdo it. There are many opinions about the correct dose in a day people must drink black coffee. But the most reasonable is 2 cups per day.

That way, you will get the benefits of black coffee as below.

improve memory improve performance during sports is beneficial for the liver enhancing intelligence cleaning the stomach helps reduce weight improves cardiovascular health antioxidant sources reduces diabetes risk reduces risk of cancer makes language stress reduction and depression protects against gout

Benefits of black coffee for women

Meanwhile, the benefits of black coffee for women are also different. There are also benefits for women from drinking coffee with the appropriate dose as follows.

Avoid stress and feeling depressed Keep heart health help lose weight ward off skin cancer overcome the risk of type II diabetes antioxidant sources

But keep in mind that for women should not consume too much black coffee. Because coffee can cause addictive effects, so that people who consume coffee always want to consume it again and again. Even if coffee consumption exceeds the normal quota, then for women coffee can cause damage and cause health problems. Even consumption that is too much can reduce fertility for women and if continued can make women sterile. Apart from some of these hazards, coffee can also cause other disorders such as insomnia, nervous tremors, nausea, palpitations and a sense of anxiety.

Benefits of green coffee

Green coffee is coffee beans from uncooked coffee fruit. Because the process of roasting coffee beans can reduce the amount of chlorogenic acid, green coffee beans have a higher level of chlorogenic acid than ordinary coffee (roasted coffee beans).

Allegedly, this chlorogenic acid has many health benefits. Starting from the medicine for obesity, diabetes, hypertension, Alzheimer's, and even bacterial infections.

The following are the benefits of green coffee:

Lose weight

According to a study published in March 2006 in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, daily supplements of green coffee bean extract can reduce body fat and body weight, as well as the composition of fat in the liver in mice. In this study caffeine and chlorogenic acid were seen as the main compounds for weight loss. Chlorogenic acid found in coffee beans that have not been roasted can be digested and absorbed by humans just as contained in the extract.

Illustration of green coffee shutterstock

Lowers high blood pressure

In addition to its function to lose weight, chlorogenic acid in green coffee can also reduce blood pressure. According to a study published in 2006 at the Clinical and Experimental Hypertension showed that patients who consumed 140 mg of coffee bean extract per day showed a decrease in blood pressure. So far, there are no side effects reported by patients, so we can call this drink a safe way to help reduce high blood pressure.

Improve mood and cognitive performance

Caffeine in green coffee has a positive effect on mood and also on your brain activity. According to research published in February 2008 in the Nutrition Bulletin, several studies have confirmed that caffeine can increase the reaction of time, alertness, memory, focus, endurance, and various other factors of cognitive performance. Researchers found that the optimal intake of green coffee was between 38-400 mg per day or around? cup for four cups of brewed coffee.

Is an antioxidant

This coffee bean contains several antioxidants, which can reduce the effects of free radicals that can damage cells in the body. This preventive function makes you healthier by reducing the amount of damage to your body's cells. According to research published in July 2004 in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, chlorogenic acid antioxidants in green coffee beans can prevent the development of four types of cancer cells, which can help prevent certain types of cancer.

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