aceh custom

in #articel6 years ago


There are several stages in the Aceh Marriage Indigenous, namely:

Stages apply (Ba Ranup)
Ba Ranup (ba-bring ranup-sirih) is a hereditary tradition that is no stranger to be practiced anywhere by the people of Aceh, when a man applies for a woman.

To find a mate for boys who are considered adults, the family will send someone who is considered wise in speaking (called a contender) to take care of this match. If all of you have got the girl in question then he will first review the status of the girl. If no one has, then he will convey the intention of applying for the girl.

On the day that had been agreed, there came a group of men who had been invited from the man's side to the house of the girl's parents by carrying betel as a reinforcement of the following bond. After the application is finished, the man will ask for leave to go home and the woman's family asks for time to consult with his daughter about whether or not the application is accepted.

Engagement Stage (Jak ba Tanda)
If the application is accepted, the family of the man will come back to do the peukong haba (peukong-perkuat, haba -icara) which is to discuss when the wedding day will take place, including determining how much the dowry received (called jeulamee) is requested and how many guests will be invited. Usually at this event there is also an engagement ceremony (called the jak ba Tanda Jak-Pergi, ba-carrying signs, artina in the form of a sign already ringed).

At this event the men will deliver a variety of typical Acehnese food, buleukat kuneeng (yellow sticky rice) with tumphou, various fruits, a set of women's clothing and jewelry that is adapted to the ability of the male family. But if this bond breaks in the middle of the road caused by the man who decides the gold sign will be considered lost. But if the cause is the woman, the gold sign must be returned twice.

Festival party
before the wedding party is held, three days and three nights a meugaca or boh gaca ceremony is held for the bride and the bride. This custom is strongly influenced by India and Arabia. but now the custom has shifted into the bride using the host.

then preparations are made for permission. In the past permission could be made at KUA or at the musala meunasah near the house without the bride attending. but now it is developing with the consent of the Kabul which is carried out in the big Mosques especially in the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, which is on the day of the two brides and their families and invitations. Ijab Kabul the groom to the woman is attended by the guardian of the marriage, the prince, the witness and the family.

Usually the form is aceh "ulon mister peunikah, Ion lon (if the woman's father speaks) .... (the name of the bride) ngon gata (the name of the bridegroom) ngon meuh ... (the amount of dowry agreed upon) mayam "

The answer is, Ulon, Mr. Terimong, is married, why don't you marry? (Bride name) I don't know ... (the amount of dowry that has been agreed upon) mayam, cash "There are several different notes, according to local agreements and customs.

Pelamina party is held after the consent ceremony is held between the bridegroom and the bride, both on the same day and on other days, namely the tueng linto baro event. This wedding party aims to celebrate happiness as well as to introduce the bride to all relatives.

Tueng Lintoe Baroe
Tueng Linto baroe (tueng-accept, linto-male, baroe-baru) that is to accept the groom is to accept the bridegroom by the woman, the acceptance by customary law or in the Aceh tradition. The bridegroom comes to the party with rombogan (family & relatives). The group was presented with a special dish called idang bu bisan (dishes, bu-nasi banan-besan). After finishing eating, the linto baro group asked for permission to go home, while the groom stayed to be matched to be secured until the event was over.

Tueng Dara Baroe
Tueng dara baroe is something that is done by men in other words is the pick up by customary law or in the Aceh tradition. This event is the same as the one above but the female party goes to the male event.

Mahar (Jeulamee)
In the Ureung Aceh tradition, only gold and money dowry is known. The Mahar in each Aceh is different. In the West part of Aceh dowry in the form of gold given in accordance with the agreement, usually amounting to a dozen to dozens of mayam. Whereas in the East, dowry is proposed under a dozen but uses additional money called "peng angoh" (peng-uang, angoh-scorched), this is done to help the women to organize parties and buy contents. Mahar is usually set by the woman and usually the siblings have a dowry that continues to rise or at least the same. But all things about this dowry can change according to the agreement of both parties.

Idang & Peuneuwoe
Idang (hidang) and Pounuwo or pemulang are dishes given from the bride to the other party. Usually during Intimate Linto baro (escort the groom), the group brings Idang to the bride in the form of clothes, necessities and daily equipment for the future wife. and when intimate baro (escort the bride), the group will bring back the talam which was filled with these items with typical Acehnese food such as sponge cake, boi cake, cake karah, wajeb, and so on, as much as the tray given or may be less with odd numbers. Traditionally carrying good things or cakes in Acehnese customs is very thick especially in a new family. When the new bride celebrates the first fast or the first Eid and goes home to one of her relatives for the first time then she must bring food. And this custom continues until the wife has a child, that is the father-in-law carries food and the wife responds.

Peusijuek (cooling) is aceh customs from India as well, but has adapted to Islamic culture. Peusijuek is done to give encouragement, prayer and blessing to the intended person. at the wedding the two sides of the family will do Peusijuek on every occasion. usually before and after ija, when it is covered in both events. Peusijuek is one of the Acehnese traditions carried out on any activity such as hajj, using new items such as houses or vehicles, babies who come down the ground, pregnant women and so on.

Adat above is custom which is usually done by the Acehnese tribe. This is a tradition or habit that has never been lost in the cultural culture of Pidie, Aceh Besar, Bireuen and its surroundings. For the eastern and surrounding areas, namely for other tribes, there may be some additions and subtractions.

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