in #artexplosion6 years ago (edited)

Hola a todos los Steemians! Hoy les traigo dibujo para un concurso patrocinado por @juliakponsford. El tema de esta semana fue NATURE, tan inspirador tema me hizo imaginar cientos de figuras femeninas con dejos de ninfa, así quedó mi propuesta. >Hello to all the Steemians! Today I bring you drawing for a contest sponsored by @juliakponsford. The theme of this week was NATURE, so inspiring theme made me imagine hundreds of female figures with nymphs, so my proposal was.

Ella es Natura, tan etérea como un sueño, con su piel hecha de niebla que al tocarla es tan suave cual suspiro espontáneo. Cuando el viento toca su cabello, un aroma procede a decorarlo, toque mentolado y dulce, que en su piel el rocío se posa confundido con la textura de un pétalo y los colibríes tentados buscan el misterioso néctar de sus pupilas. Su aura completa habla de los misterios del universo, ella es su madre y los protege, qué cálida y qué milagrosa eres, natura, tienes mi devoción.

She is Natura, as ethereal as a dream, with her skin made of fog that when touched is as soft as a spontaneous sigh. When the wind touches her hair, a scent proceeds to decorate it, touch menthol and sweet, that in its skin the dew settles with the texture of a petal and the tempted hummingbirds seek the mysterious nectar of their pupils. Her complete aura speaks of the mysteries of the universe, she is their mother and protects them, how warm and how miraculous you are, nature, you have my devotion.
This is the finished draw

2018-06-20 12.34.35 1.jpg


  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Colors
  • Markers
  • Watercolors

2018-03-15 10.42.58 1.jpg

##Los invito a ver el proceso de elaboración, disfruten ... Para realizar este dibujo apliqué la técnica de las acuarelas. Por lo general, es bastante mágico usarlos. /I invite you to see the elaboration process, enjoy... To make this drawing I applied the technique of watercolors. It is usually quite magical to use them.

To start I make the sketch with a pencil F that is quite clear ;)

2018-06-20 12.34.40 1.jpg

2018-06-20 12.34.39 2.jpg

2018-06-20 12.34.39 1.jpg

2018-06-20 12.34.38 1.jpg

It was very entertaining to do this drawing, I really like to draw this type of creatures <3. I hope it was to your liking. I'm definitely in love. What do you think?

2018-06-20 12.34.35 1.jpg

Thank you for joining me in this publication, see you in the next! If you liked it, I invite you to see my other drawings, follow me and reestimate!<3...


Sin título.jpg

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