in #artexplosion7 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone!
This is my entry for the contest hosted by @juliakponsford
More information HERE
Hope you guys like it!



Time, complex and mysterious. We believe we control it. We think we know enough about it.

What is time? How we define such an abstract thing? Can we really measure time? After all, we have managed to establish measures such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, etc., just to be able to control it. But yet, time always beats us. It is time which controls us and our lives are strictly governed by time and we are conditioned to carry out certain actions in relation to time. Time devours us, consumes us and, in the end, time is not enough.

Time can be our friend and at the same time our death sentence.

Since ancient times, man has wanted to understand and control everything, and time is one of those things. I think time is a concept that we have in our mind. It is something indefinable, uncontrollable, but that we can certainly perceive, because it affects us and it has repercussions in our lives.

In this way, I have decided to represent time in a drawing showing a human face whose skin disintegrates to dust making reference to the transition from life to death. He has a clock in his head, because as I said before, I think time is a concept that is undoubtedly in our minds. His powdery skin falls slowly into an hourglass, an iconic instrument to represent the passage of time. Also, I add a sun and a moon, which are natural elements and a basic form of temporal notion.

I really enjoyed making this drawing. My imagination fired up and I thought about drawing more details, but I had many things to do for work and many things to prepare and study for class, and... I did not have time.

Letter size paper.
And a few things I found around to make circles. Hehehe! :)

Note: I do not have a phone or a camera. I cannot show the process. Once I finish my drawing, I use a scanner at work to share it.
I hope you guys like this drawing. Thank you all and good luck!


Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Have a nice day!

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Good entry. I like it.

Thoughtful, and good symmetry. Great use of symbolism and good line art. Nice work.

Thanks for your words. :)

Muy bueno, Felicidades.

Gracias amigo! Es satisfactorio recibir comentarios positivos.

Demasiado brutal hermano, mucho éxito.

Gracias por el apoyo amigo! :)

muy buen dibujo amigo te felicito me gusto esta presentación, éxitos.

Gracias amigo! :)
Es bueno recibir aprobación de un gran artista como usted. Saludos!


Thank you for sharing this wonderful theme illustration with us, @kennitgabriel. You were selected as one of our Top 3 Weekly Art Challenge features.

Oh! Thank you! It feels awesome! I appreciate your support!

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