The Puzzle that is You - An Interpretation of Art

This is in response to the competition by @artquest-trail on the work of @paolobeneforti.

The Art in Question....U5dt4JP1rZToNKNRs43Pnk4k44tM2Dj_1680x8400.jpg

My Interpretation...

As individuals we are often puzzles to ourselves and to each other. We spend lifetimes puzzling about our own psyches, our desires, our dreams and our relationships. Lifetimes are spent unlocking our own internal puzzles about ourselves: why do we feel the way we do? Why do we love who we love? Are we introvert or extrovert, emotional and intuitive or scientific and rational? Some of us spend years analyzing our dreams and feelings in deep psychotherapy, only to find the puzzle grows larger and larger and just when we think we might finally solve it, we find pieces missing.

@paolobeneforti's puzzle head is a visual description of the complexity that makes each of us human. The interlocking pieces that make up a personality. However, the puzzles pieces he depicts don't necessarily add up to a pretty picture, instead, there is a disjointed chaos in the coloration of the individual pieces. This reflects the myriad disparate and distinctive aspects that make each of us individual. We are not homogenous entities, nor do all the parts of ourselves harmonize into something cohesive or easily recognizable. There are some light pieces, some dark pieces, some distorted pieces...but they all fit together into the puzzle that is ourselves.


Love it! Thank you!!!!!

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