Urban life

in #artchallenge6 years ago

Is there good balance between urban living or rural living.
Finding good sides of both life styles may give good energy balance in life wisdom.
Surviving in big city and finding way around is accomodating.
However living on the country side gives you certain view of basics.


Good balance is practical anyway you look at it.


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¿Existe un buen equilibrio entre la vida urbana y la vida rural?

Yo considero que vivimos en una sociedad muy cambiante, que se mueve a gran velocidad, esta misma rapidez que no permite (a veces) que escuchemos al corazón, solo a la mente y en ocasiones solo al instinto.
Considero que debemos ser capaces de tener (aunque sea) en nuestro entorno, un poquito de esa paz que la naturaleza nos ofrece, por eso les recomiendo si viven en una ciudad muy poblada, con muchos edificios y pocos lugares para la naturaleza, salir de ve en cuando a caminar por algún parque para respirar (un poco) de aire puro, o en ultima instancia tener en su vivienda un pequeño árbol, o una planta para que produzca ese contacto con el medio ambiente natural que tanto necesitamos.

Is there a good balance between urban and rural life?

I consider that we live in a very changing society, that moves at great speed, this same speed that does not (sometimes) allow us to listen to the heart, only the mind and sometimes only the instinct.
I think that we should be able to have (even if it is) in our environment, a little bit of that peace that nature offers us, so I recommend you if you live in a very populated city, with many buildings and few places for nature, go out and walk in some park to breathe (a little) fresh air, or ultimately have in your home a small tree, or a plant to produce that contact with the natural environment that we need so much.

Thank you for your help, friend @flysky

I am definitely agree with you sir @flysky! Great post!

Always it is

Every moment i am look your post be happy because can make me be creative woman in my art

Thank you
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Hola amigo @flysky, he experimentado las dos vidas por muchos años, pienso que no hay nada mas armonioso, natural y agradable que la vida campestre. A pesar de su limitada tecnología la vida en el campo nos aparta de la contaminación, y nos proporciona un oxigena natural y limpio. Un gran saludo amigo @flysky nos vemos en la cima

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