Deadly fists of Kung Fu Original Art

in #art8 years ago

Sometimes you have to go back to the drawing board on a piece for publication. Not always because the piece is bad or anything, but because the piece does not fully match the vision or feel of the work. Working in the industry for well over a decade now, I think what I've seen from other artists, that this is a fairly common occurrence. I think some folks may get discouraged by this or take it personal, but I tend to look at it as an opportunity to maybe put the piece aside to pull out for another project (usually a personal one) at a later date. In other words, not an opportunity lost, it is an opportunity to do more art and flesh out my portfolio. The piece here didn't match the vision of the publisher and that is OK with me. I want to do my best to help them get their vision across. I love being able to do that. Especially since I tend to only work on projects that I really love and believe in, so it is part my vision too. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this piece of a monk fighting off winged apes. I think I've got a project of my own that would fit this perfectly. Happy gaming!

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