The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art5 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

stonehenge 2 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


great work

Hi @xpilar, that kind of landscape is something that we can see in Highlands too. There are many legends and myths about those rocks and stones, so here I would like to create one for your digital Art:

Once upon a time there was a troll who was very lonely, so far he could remember he was always alone, he lived at the feet of mountain in very rough landscape with less vegetation and quick changing weather. Nevertheless he liked it there, he loved to walk around and look how randomly there are some wild animals appear in his neighborhood. But once he saw someone who was not an animal but also not a troll, he did not know that it was a human. He wanted to come closer but the human was so scared and run away. In next couple of days there were few of such humans but instead of communication they tried to hurt him, and of course troll did the same but due to his power few men were killed and couple were able to escape. Again few days passed and now it was a group of people with an elderly woman in front of them. He never has seen such a creature and of course he did not know that she was a witch. She was kind, approached him and gave him a drink in a bowl. The troll because of his curiosity drunk it all, the next second he felt that his limbs becoming hard and he was not able to move them. Slowly he noticed that he is turning into a stone. The people were cheering up but he was scared and just thought why we could not co-exist. Once the whole body of troll turned into stone, the humans started to hit it and crashed the stoned troll into small rocks so that nobody remembers that it was the time when trolls live among us. Despite of that many years later, the remnants of the troll are still there and you can see the stone hand that is asking for help...

The End...

thank you @stef1 for your great story,
hope the troll can come back to life 🙂


In cold stones everything became.

Our love as cold stones on the road remained.

Your body no longer gives me heat, today I just feel cold and it scares me.

Walker I am in the desolation of our love

Neither the warm sun warms me, nor does the blue sky make me sigh

I just know something happened and today it makes me cry

Something happened, that in cold stones our love was corrupted

Today I can only cry and remember what a beautiful thing we live that turned into stones.

thank you @anasuleidy for your poem

Amazing and awesome Rocks below the blue sky

Posted using Partiko Android

The big stones

Posted using Partiko Android

I represent a very ancient abandoned stone city where a tribe lived, who left it due to lack of water. Now tourists visit this place wondering at the unusual stone buildings.

Tiene cierto parecido a una reserva arqueológica -Menhires-, existentes en la localidad El Mollar en el departamento Taffi del valle de la provincia de Tucumán Argentina, donde de acuerdo a tu diseño, "supuestamente", algunos fueron derribados, mientras que otros quedaron inconclusos.Me gustó ademas el arco que presenta una vista como hacia el mar. Excelente trabajo. Gracias por compartir.

This is really beautiful capture indeed...

Now that's more than fantastic the best creation ever

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