The power of the situationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art6 years ago


People are the biggest mystery and one which cannot be solved. Ones path is constantly readjusted by the people that one comes in contact with and those people are swayed by yet another situation brought about by another person. If you were to follow the chain there would be no end.


I believe in the power of consciousness and being aware of yourself and your thoughts. However this has been hard to reconcile with my experiences as I become more social and interdependent. When running into one person takes over your thoughts and disturbs the peace hard won with meditation, yoga, psychology and wellness exercises. When everything seems to be aligned and someone has other ideas about the conclusion and disappears. One can learn to live with, accept and control or manifest reality with imagination but when It comes to relationships, knowing you are not the body and we are all one does not help.

Social psychology is often the analysis of the situations effect on an individualised self. There are well known cognitive biases that bring to light the errors in judgement people make when they do not take the situation into awareness. The familiarity with another increases attribution of outcomes to situational factors as you learn the multifaceted nature of their personality and that they do not always act in accordance with the lazy stereotype you assign to them based upon appearance.

So what is the equivalent of meditation for the social self? For every thing there is an opposite, if self love can only come from the individual and the social self is the opposite. then love of others no matter the outcomes can be the only peace found. Desire is the enemy of outcome independence however people do not understand a desireless person and much of social convention is based upon it. So how do we maintain a level head and avoid a rollercoaster life of the ultimate social being? how do we desire to be the sexiest, wealthiest and most popular yet be happy with a run of the mill encounter and not be disappointed and frustrated?

Everything is temporary and changing. Time is the other factor that has tremendous implications on social conditioning. Missed opportunities, complicated intertwined lives that maintain committed ideals which just appear like prisons defending against any change of status quo and at the opposite end of the spektrum, quick relationships that adjust behaviour to that which is less understanding of any other position, narrow pigeon hold and terribly systematic. It's time to rise in consciousness from yellow to turquoise. From root to universe. From blame, hate, anger, shame into forgiving, loving, smiling and freedom.

3rd heart.png


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
For every strength there is an equal and opposite weakness.


The reverse is also true;

For every reaction there is an equal and opposite action.
And, for every weakness there is an equal and opposite strength.

I think there is a sense of meditation for the social self...Day dreaming :)

But, seriously, have you heard of Sui Nim Tao small idea?

Hi Xist. I would be honoured if you would look at this paper I wrote . Don't let the title put you off i.e.

as it may give you some insight in to the 'people and understanding' conundrum sir.

I must applaud in appreciation of the latest piece you have produced as part of your experimentation with pastels...thoroughly grand job sir. Did you get the Cymatic field patterns? What are your initial thoughts my man?

i read it today during my history of psychology class, it was the 1st of the semester and was a basic outline of the methods of thinking.
there were three synchronicities i felt
Fads and fashion - child build preferential experiences before conscious
Emotional attachment, science paradigm dealing with people - autopoietic system i.e. a system with lifelike properties
Determinism - butterfly effect

I'm more an irrational humanist than a material determinist.
I an interested in dimensions though
and im also taking nueroscience so the images are interesting. i didnt quite get the fractal part of it but the geometry did spark a few ideas in me
thank you for sharing it with me
i will need to have a look at the references and ponder it some as most of it was foreign to me, however i just wanted to let you know i did read it.

If you do need any help with your studies in Psychology then I can help, I am a teacher of Psychology (I did a clinical degree at Bachelor level), so please give me a shout if you need any assistance my man. I am a humanist also sir, but have moved in to the Quantum Psychology field. The butterfly effect is more to do with the little amount of energy need to activate the fractal position of the memory/preference. If you imagine a fractal area in phase space like an episodic/semantic/procedural memory, then the energy i.e. blood flow to that area is potentiated by the thought being - geometrically speaking - one thought away from being brought back in to consciousness. So, the butterfly analogy is a metaphor for the idea that blood flow to an area of the brain is given the impetus from the recognition of the potential to re-experience the preference, not so much determined, but, maintained and reinforced by re-experience. I would recommend that you look in to epigenetic control as well, Dr Bruce Lipton (Molecular biologist) is the foremost expert on this and has some really fascinating research on this.

Here is an example of epigenetic control:

If you look at you fingers you will see your fingerprints. How these are caused is through barometric pressure around the womb when you were being gestated.


This is an example of how our genetics interact with the environment and are influenced by it. Hence, the barometric pressure imprints the fingerprint pattern on to your DNA and replicates this over and over again. If you compare your fingerprints to the weather map you will see the similarity.

Neuroscience is the next force in Psychology as it is explaining a great deal more than some of the dogmatic paradigms there are, but, do not discount them, as they have utility in the human jigsaw.

i had to google it
i know some basic wing chun theory via bruce lee books when i was younger but never practiced any real. I'm currently trying to do the yoga headstand

If you can get a small ball to practice with then the videos I am doing will help to develop the skills of Wing Chun very quickly.

Also, if you are looking to accomplish the Yoga headstand, then practice next to wall first until you find your centre of gravity to balance you frame inside the structure that holds it.

head 1.jpg


head 2.jpg

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