The Digital Bauhaus : Steemit's Connective Ideology

in #art7 years ago


Seeing the "Total Work" of Steemit.

Today I wanted to share some thoughts on comparing the growth and ideology of Steemit with the Bauhaus movement of the early 1900s. (I first posted a portion of this text on Steemit back in August under my old lgm-1 handle.) With yesterday's open source announcement, this juxtaposition of "total work" takes on a fresh and exciting new meaning.

" accordance with our beliefs in freedom and innovation, we’ve decided to change the Steem license to the MIT open source license... Now you can use any part of the source code for your own projects." (Steemitblog announcement, here.)



... is a favorite phrase of mine when it comes to the Bauhaus School of thought. The German word translates to; "total work of art." Gesamtkunstwerk became a provocative tag-line for the Bauhaus movement that first began in 1919, nearly 100 years ago. It implied a new and connective style of education that moved beyond individual trades and embraced an interdisciplinary understanding of “craftsmanship.”

Like the Bauhaus movement, Steemit seeks to empower the value of connections. “Links” (as the Steem White Paper describes) generate a relationship between consumer and producer that strengthens the overall network.


"The more links a network has, the more valuable the information becomes." Similarly, Gesamtkunstwerk implies that value is all about sharing and comprehension. Through the making of a building, a Bauhaus student must be fluent in understanding the design of all the parts as they come together (hence "total"). An architect must also be the engineer, the engineer must also be the artist that paints the walls, the artist must also lay the electrical wire, and the electrician must be a graphic designer. The more connections one has in the process of making, the greater your total craft will be.


“Links can take many forms and have adapted over time. Every time a user votes on content in a social network they add a link between themselves and the content. This in turn links the consumer to the producer through the content. The more links a network has the more valuable the information becomes. It is the relative and intentional connectedness of information that gives it value.” (Page 41 of Steem White Paper)



So Wait, What Exactly is the Bauhaus?

Bauhaus literally translates to "Construction House" or "the school of building." It was in fact, a school. Founded in 1919, Walter Gropius (a pioneer of modernist architecture) served as its first director. Alongside Gropius; the school kicked off with a wide and un-traditionally-ranging faculty in Johannes Itten (a Swiss painter), Lyonel Feininger (a German-American painter) and Gerhard Marcks (a German sculptor.) The student-body contained students from all socioeconomic backgrounds and trades, purposefully creating a blend of disciplines that you could not find in any other college / university at the time. Gropius introduced his first class in the Spring of 1919 with an exhibition titled; "Exhibition of Unknown Architects" with the goal; "to create a new guild of craftsmen, without the class distinctions which raise an arrogant barrier between craftsman and artist."


  • (Above) postcards issued from the Bauhaus promoting exhibitions and events.

The movement grew to absorb the influences of masons, textile workers, glass blowers, product designers and more. The traditional class structure was altered to be more holistic and comprehensive. (Schedule diagram, above.) Students were taught how to build using different materials and how those materials related to the built environment, as well as the natural. In 1922 the Bauhaus family grew with the inclusion of renowned painter Paul Klee, in addition to Oskar Schlemmer (designer) and Wassily Kandinsky (Russian painter).


  • Photographs from the Workshop Building in Dessau, Germany. Images by @voronoi.

The Bauhaus School moved from its original post in Weimar (Germany) to Dessau in 1925, and finally Berlin in 1930. With World War II on it’s doorstep, the school was constantly being confronted by the Nazi regime, being dubbed as “degenerate artists” and for promoting “communist intellectualism.” Then director; Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was forced to close the school in 1933.

bauhaus people.jpg

Why the Bauhaus Resonates Today...

Because more than ever; collaboration generates value. Post-Bauhaus, now nearly 100 years later, we have Steemit and the Steem blockchain... And with the advent of this new connective infrastructure you can see similarities in the philosophy of "total work." In both, the community-process of exchange is equally sacred as the final product. Through a nascent technology; Steemit is building an unprecedented library of interdisciplinary information, just as the first students of the Bauhaus movement were taught to do. So, could Steemit be ushering in the beginnings of a digital Bauhaus? An internet-era Renaissance? A blockchain-based Enlightenment? It might be too early to tell... but here; being collaborative is valuable and that's exciting to watch!


follow me @voronoi | design collective @hitheryon


You did an excellent job with this post. I enjoyed reading about your idea of Gesamtkunstwerk and how the idea relates to today.

Whats important to emphasize is that each of the teachers in the school may have been considered a master of their specific art, but that doesn't necessarily mean they were Masters of all of the required skills to build a building. What you're emphasizing here is that through the Steemit network humanity can grow by learning, right here in the evidence in the blockchain, and share what little expertise each one of us (thinks we have or might have) with eachother that we can grow the wealth of available human knowledge. Steemit and the blockchain will literally be pioneering innovation through decentralized expertise. I'd love to chat more about this.

Skrt skrt

YES. Steemit connects a global network of decentralized expertise. Each of us has our own background and in some cases our own craft. Being able to connect and pool skillsets together is extremely exciting. Thanks for the great comments @skrt (following you!)

I actually enjoyed the short history lesson. Thank you @voronoi!

Glad you enjoyed it Mitchell! I'm excited to see where this new frontier takes us. The Bauhaus is looked back upon as such a disruptive precedent in the world of art and architecture, hopefully (maybe over the next cycle of 100 years) people will look back at Steemit with the same inspiration and nostalgia.

I think with publicization, Steemit could be invaluable in sharing information on skills training programs for all sorts of vocations.


Very intereting. I studied Industrial Design in the early 1980's and we were still heavily influenced by "form follows function".

Thank you! I want to say that the term "form follows function" started circulating around in the 1950s... I think Bauhaus inspired some of that modernist-style of thinking. After all, Bauhaus was about actually learning to make a building. While they incorporated a lot of symbolism in their work, these students definitely believed in functionality.

Anyway, thanks for your comment! I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on how students reacted to that phrase in the early '80s?

As students we were heavily influenced by that phrase. It appears that it was coined in 1896 but started to be used more and more in the 1930's. I really enjoyed studying the history of art and architecture at college but I have not been active in that field for aover 25 years now!

"In a poetic passage from a 1896 essay titled “The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered,” Sullivan wrote:

Whether it be the sweeping eagle in his flight, or the open apple-blossom, the toiling workhorse, the blithe swan, the branching oak, the winding stream at its base, the drifting clouds, over all the coursing sun, form ever follows function, and this is the law. Where function does not change form does not change. The granite rocks, the ever-brooding hills, remain for ages;the lightning lives, comes into shape, and dies in a twinkling."

I've followed you!

Wow, what an incredible quote by Sulllivan! Thanks for the follow and great comments.
(followed back!)

I believe we are wholistic beings and it is very much time to stop compartmentalizing ourselves into little pieces. When we are whole we have power. In pieces we do not.

I feel very lucky that my earliest education was at a Montessori school that taught along these same lines. I am also dyslexic, which makes my mind perceive whole Bauhase-esque patterns in things. For me, this is as natural as breathing.

Also connection shrinks the potential for manipulation.

Likewise, this seems so natural and holistic. I love the approach here. We have lot to learn today as we dig into precedents of the past. Thank you for the thoughtful comment @astrologychick

What a great piece of history containing tons of information I was highly unaware of! Thank you so very much for it all. Namaste :)

Thanks so much for reading! Glad you enjoyed it Eric. Cheers :)

Great post, truthfully I'd sort of forgotten the original ideas behind Bauhaus and this reminds me of the counterculture ideas at the root of the movement that really resonate with me. I don't like some of the architecture so I'd forgotten that I actually am in favor of the movement!

Haha likewise I feel like the counterculture aspect was fascinating but definitely skeptical of the architecture! There are some amazing Bauhaus homes in Budapest that are unbelievable though. I'll see if I can dig up some images from a trip I did a while back... Thank you @natureofbeing!

I'd like to see them!

amazing post about that amazing movement/school I loved so much!

Thanks for the kind feedback Paolo! Such an amazing movement during such a tumultuous time in history!

Lets construct something meaningful together! Upvoted and linked to my last post.

Let's go for it! Thanks @buzzbeergeek!

Hi, nice article, i resteemit! I am making a drawing, i'm so little in this platform i feel like a ghost. I try to get better please check in a few hours my next post of the draw i am doing :)

Hi @jimy74 thanks for the resteem and compliment! I'll follow you and take a look at your drawing later on! Cheers :)

come see my latest post i put my best inside tonight and if it's a success i will make a tutorial on how i did maybe. if!. ^^ and i put a enygma inside

It is very exciting to watch the collaborations on Steemit and the way that work is evolving through interactions.

It's been a wild 12 months so far I can't imagine where we'll be in April 2018! Interactions will surely evolve and expand!

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