Unleashed fury in the pos is going skynet | made by Visionalmind

in #art5 years ago


About this artwork

Heej awesome Steemers! This is a 70s inspired poster about Eve-online inspired by the battles I had in the game. Ah, playing Eve was a great time. Eve-online has become one of my favorite games. This project was made for a school assignment. Back in those day I had enough freedom to play games.

I would like to share one of my story’s in Eve-online, because Eve-online is all about living trough your own story’s. Back in those days I played Eve with friends I knew in real live. We went from nasty can flippers. Which is the piracy act of stealing valuables from containers of new players. Towards pirates in low security space. Space where there was freedom of hostile engagement and almost no concord protection. (in-game police, protecting players from illegal attacks). I roamed those deeper pockets of space with two of my friend. It was in these pockets where we were discovered and slain by the CEO of unleashed fury. Which was a leader of an in-game association of online players. It was 3 vs 1 and we were overly confident. With a blaze and awe I saw how our ships got destroyed in a matter of short minutes by the fast and eloquent maneuvers of the CEO. With panic and mad clicking I saved my capsule. Therefore I was still able to safely crawl back to the station and ask what we did wrong. We later that night joined Unleashed fury and the CEO took us in as trainees. We learned how to play the game properly and it was later that I got a special assignment protecting an ally’s POS (player owned structure). It was there where I had my biggest battle in Eve named ‘the battle of gallusiene’ with over 100 of players joining in on the fight from different corporations. All because of us defending something that was dear to us. When one of our own members got attacked by the POS for some odd reason I don’t know anymore. He shouted in chat “the pos is going skynet!” and that’s how this quotes got on to the poster.

How it’s made

This artwork is made by making screenshots of in-game characters and assets. Then these screenshots were rendered by the image trace tool in Illustrator. I looked at some font types from posters in the 70s and used a filter to give it that poster texture. The filter is nothing more than a paper texture with an overlay transparency. I also integrated the warmth colors of the time to create the overall look and feel.

Have a great day!
Peace | Gavin van Hoeijen

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