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RE: Behind the Scene #2

in #art6 years ago

Hi there buddy,

You should really check this out and see if you can get something out of it:

What she says about showing the process, adding words to your pictures is a perfect description of what I was trying to explain to you before.

It's still up to you but it might help you a lot

C ya around! :>)


Hi Vincent! glad to see you here
I'm totally got what you mean and it makes sense.
But as you may noticed — I'm more like visual person rather than textual. (and one more sad true in addition — I definitely lame in english text writing) In other words — I do a lot of stuff as an artist, all of them more or less relates to so-called "creative coding", experimental gamedev etc. And definitely some of them needs much more deeply explanation than text that i usually provide to my pics here. When i've joined to steemit my first intention was to make more like insta- kind of blog, which doesn't suppose much of words. Thats why I come up with algorithmic art-systems, art-bot etc. My thoughts was like instant art doesn't require a big texts, it's just happens / generates here from time to time. So my conception of blog here is more like separate art-project, which is one side of me but not fully representation of all what i'm actually do. Like If it can helps me to buy new GPU-card someday it will be success, but I'm feel too far from being full-time steemian at this moment. I probably broke my own rule with "behind the scene" posts because unlike random person or pixel reform series it's more reflects on my other projects and deserves more explanation than i provide here. So i will think about it. Maybe I should come up with more detailed posts about my other projects later, but post it really rarely — like one per month or 2 weeks. But in terms of work-in-progress screenshots I afraid my whole life will be not enough to provide detailed story to each of them (there is tons of this shit!)
But my first plan before is to finish my next automatic-art system for steemit (spoiler: it will be about various animals)
Anyway, thank you for make me think about it. I love your crit and feedbacks. Now feel a little bit strange that i put so many words in my reply about why i don't like writing much words :) but hope it makes sense!

exactly! the steemit blog IS art! I totally picked that up from the way you post before I mentioned that in tonights artzone post... you might make a good curator

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for your extensive reply.

The main thing is that you stay close to yourself, to what you feel comfortable with. I'm not trying to change you :>)

I sometimes forget that some people have a life outside of Steemit, haha! I guess the fact that you posted so many times per day made me think that you were a full time steemian. And the fact that you hardly got any views or made any money with your posts, made me feel like helping you out.

But now I know the full story, and the reason behind 'why you do things your way', things are more clear to me.

I'm glad I at least made you think. Who knows where it will lead to? Sometimes we stay in our own bubble a little too much - I know that from my own experience - and it helps to brainstorm with others and other creatives.

Have a great weekend,


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