I got busy with some new stuff #IpadArt

in #art5 years ago

Do you guys have an ipad?
Cause honestly i never thought i'd buy one, but recently i started checking things out about the ipad, and the apps that are on it, started following a few artists in the past, whos work, and style i really liked, and saw that they were using procreate.

I really liked the app, the arrangement, the variety of brushes, and was bothered by the fact that it was made for IOS and ipad. And lately just started thinking about maybe i try one.
After all it's on the market 9 years now, and in the past 3 years they have jumped some amazing levels, and not too long ago, they made it possible for previous models to use the apple pencil.
Well long story short, about a month and a half ago, i just went into an apple store, and tried it out. Than went in again and tried out more stuff. Than went in again, and i started checking the prices, and than i started checking the apps on them, what else can i do with it. Should i buy the pro 12.9 , or am i okay with the air or the mini? What are the differences. And i realised i can use it for animation as well.
So than i was thinking, what if i can leave my painfully difficult and timeconsuming animation process in the past.


I am not joking, i can make animations on the ipad 5-6 times faster, than before. And the quality is way better, and honestly if i would spend a little bit more time on them, i think they would look freaking amazing. So that is my next step with it. Untill than, here is one of the first nice looking picture that i made with it.

Oh yeah also i bought the ipad pro 2018 12.9" 64 GB
now, most ipads from the past 2-3 years will do more than fine with drawing, even probably for animation as well.
I only bought this one, because i like to go overboard with canvas size, and layers, and this offered me the most.

Also do not think if you buy the 2018 version with the one terrabite capacity, that it will be better because it has more ram, because the extra ram is needed to handle the storage ... sooo yeah ... i choose this because it is enough and if i want storage i could buy some cloudspace, or just connect it to a wireless hdd, or even a pendrive, cause the market is fluded with stuff that would make that possible, for like 20-100 dollars, depending on how cool stuff i wanna buy.


Thanks for reading, have a great day!

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