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RE: Spring blossoms for @SadHeaven

in #art5 years ago (edited)

@BDMILLERGALLERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (XD)

(i had to reciprocate the way you replied cuz it made ma smile XD)

Thanks for such a beautiful comment * ___ * You're such a beautiful soul, Brad <3

Yesh, I love saddy's music and I'm glad to hear that you love them too \o/ He is super talented <3 And yep, music does inspire ! Very powerful tool to motivate and get the creative juices going, indeed :D

I'm still struggling with light and dark areas, but ..... funnily, if I think about things in ANIME style, my brain is like, YES I KNOW HOW TO KUNG FU~


but as soon as i tell brain: "hey do proper fine art drawings, do not resort into anime foundations, plz"

brain is like: "...................................??????? HELLO WHO AM I WHAT AM I DOING"


im weird like that ???? XD;;;;;;


Now I am SMILING too :-)

Your Brain may be confused by your artistic intentions, but I LOVE the conflict! It works well here and gave you some awesomeness when all finished. I like the combination of fine art and anime.. I like different.

ps.. Tell your brain to STOP YELLING at you. Your heart is in control of things right now ;-)

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