It broke!

in #art6 years ago

It’s totally my fault that a piece of my sculpture broke. I left them sitting around for the longest time before I decided to bake them. I did attempt to score both ends of the horn to see if I could somehow get them to become one again. I left it to sit after what I thought was a successful attachment to find that it had fallen back off an hour later.

While we were in California, I did get to chatting with our friend Thomas and asked him about different types of clay to experiment with. He recommended some sort of bonding agent to use after baking the sculpture to put it back together, so there is hope! If you’re curious about Thomas’ work then you can check out his Instagram @haxanthrobo His creations are exquisitely beautiful and they continue to inspire me to fine tune my craft.

The sculptures have been baked and now I don’t have to worry about them getting squished! 😆 I’ve thought about penciling in a sculpture painting day with @jthiessen but first I’d need to pick up some paint!

Instead of painting them in a wider range of color, I’d actually like these sculptures to match the design of the room. I’m looking to paint them in a bronze color...but how? 🤔 We’ve determined that the sculptures probably need to have a black base and then I’d apply a thin wash of bronze paint on top.

Does anyone have any recommendations of the types of paints I should be looking at? Maybe even some tips on how I should go about painting these creatures?

Thanks for stopping by!🦊


For my sculptures in clay I use acrylic colors, but maybe you can try something different too. :)

My friend was saying that I should use acrylic! Is there a brand your recommend?

A well versed article with unique topic and interesting pictures . Well done. U can do any kind of paints on these creatures. Oil paints will be fine too i guess.

Thanks! Yes, I’ll have to experiment with paints.

Hi, Yes i think a black base colour and then maybe a green wash here and their to give it a patina. Finally a light dry brush of bronze to high light the highest part. Just make sure they are dry and you could use waterbased paints. I also like the look of them in White.

Oh! I didn’t think of green! I was thinking brown but green sounds even better. I’m pretty attached to their look now as well. 😆

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The only time I've ever done clay was when I was a stupid kid and I just used acrylic paint (because acrylics and watercolours were the extent of our knowledge about paint at the time so if it was in the house that's what it was), it was pretty bright but I don't know if that's the "right" one to use XD

What colour is the clay? I can't really tell with the lighting XD If it's light enough maybe raw would go with anything?

It’s white so I’m thinking any paint will work as long as it has a strong pigment. I mean, I do have some old white trunks in the room but....but..I wanna paint!! 😫 🤔...or do I?

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