Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #209 'The Fire Within'

in #art6 years ago

'The Fire Within'

In old Croatian tales, the little house spirits were coming to the fireplace and dancing in the fire. They were called "domaći" or "homies", in full direct translation. :D They would often do unintentional damage but sometimes they did a lot of good. Cool, eh? In the old days, the entire human race was bind to the fireplace which was replaced by a TV set in the mid 20th century. Today we watch TV shows, relax watching them just as people would stare at the fireplace and listen to the stories before falling to sleep. By the way, I'm not sure if playing video games relates to this. In video games, one is an active participant, not a passive one as in listening to stories or watching a tv show.

When I recall how difficult it used to be filming a burning object and still keeping the detail in both ends of the tonality curve, I am so grateful for the technology we have at our disposal today. In 20-25 years digital age changed so much. Unfortunately, human mind and overall kindness didn't feel like following that path... :D

Notice the daylight reflection on top of the fireplace. They are the second source of light and reveal that this photograph was taken during the daytime. These become an extension of the fire and open the top of the composition in an unexpected manner, adding another level of interest. The fire is, as it should be, set in an aggressive colour scheme.

I wonder what happens by the end of this century. Will we relax in some storytelling virtual reality before we fall asleep? Until then we can still enjoy the magic that the little dancing spirits bestow upon our thoughts!

Do you see a red burning heart in there? :D

Enjoy! :)

©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

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Note to my dear readers, friends and followers: Please understand that I am unable to answer all of your comments because if I was to do that, I'd not have any time left for creating the series and for all of my other Steemit-related work. The amount of comments is overwhelming. It is beautiful to see that my work is appreciated and that it inspires so many people. I read all of your comments before going to sleep. It is my evening routine. Thank you so much for your support!


Great photography,,i like it,,how to learning it.

Fire always fascinates!

Hi, @velimir. Hope your day is great.
Its cold here right now and seeing that fire alone just makes me feel warm already. I can imagine the crackling perfect sound coming from the picture :)
Sitting by an open fire when it's cold and wet outside is my idea of a perfect winter evening.
I remember those days when we will sit infront of a fire and have good moments, but all that has changed, because television arrived, it has changed the way that people socialize and has caused them to become aloof. There have been significant shifts in the way that this generation interacts with the general public. People lack the desire to engage in conversation with their peers. Individuals have lost sight of how much can be learned from the members of their community. As more technology is being developed, human connections continue to deteriorate worldwide. I am not saying technology or even all these things we watch is bad, but there is a con that has affected us immensely and that is the interaction part with natural things. There is so much motivation and inspiration that comes while sitting and watching that fire burn. Its a movie on its own, you get to choose how it ends :)
Thanks for warming up my night

whether it's good or bad, but many video games are recognized as a sport, so saying that such a sport has a relaxing effect like a fireplace or TV is not appropriate. Video games are more likely to have a toning effect.

As I wrote yesterday that water and fire have a relaxing effect on the human psyche. I would not refuse to sit by the fireplace and just relax. Some people often work on a laptop and "on the background" turn on the TV. It creates the feeling that you are not alone and takes up your thoughts. Personally, I would not refuse to work for a laptop and that aside I had a burning fireplace. There is nothing better than to get distracted by the fire and relax :)

By itself, the color created by fire is not exciting, but is soothing. Why do you think people transfer the warm color of old incandescent bulbs better than new daylight bulbs? It's all about our genes. People have been warming themselves by the fire for centuries and spending a lot of time at the fire. Fire was for people a means of heat and light. It is poetmou deep in our minds there is "love" in the warm yellowish-red light of the fire.

Good evening:)

Well, I hate the new greenish colour of lights and am die hard to replace the old tungsten ones. So...as long as I have my stash, no greenish ugly light for Velimir :)

This is beautiful and inspiring. Excellent post @velimir

Beautifull and inspirational! Im going to go make a bonfire and stare at the flames with my kid today. Get away from the TV and play outside in the snow.

A great post, velimir. I particularly enjoyed the thoughts you shared about looking into the fire and how our world has evolved in forms of entertainment. Are we to keep up with our sense of self. Ironically taking time to do something like stare into a fire may be the way:)

Thank you! It is entrancing, pretty much ;)

No fireplace where I live. I make do with a candle and some incense:)

When we are near the fire our bodies feel warm because there is a heat transfer from the campfire to our body. While around us there is air that can transfer heat by convection, air penghulu is a poor heat conductor (isolator). If between a fireplace with us is placed a booster or a curtain, it turns out the warm fire we can not feel again. This means there is no heat coming to our body, because it is blocked by the seal.

Fire is as deadly as it is beautiful. Civilization is taking over everything that once served as a significant piece for us. Even at this current rate, TV is getting toppled by internet mobile phones. Social media is a hard thing to resist.
Beautiful burning heart bro

yep... thats where we re going... wish i can see whats next :D

from tonight when I look at the fireplace I"m dreaming of the little spirits of a dancer ...

hahaha ok buddy ;)

Interesting in Los Angeles where I come from. 'homies' are fellow gang member who refer to one another as 'homie.' It means something like: "Hello fellow brother". By the way, I can see the face of an angry demon in the flames. Am I wrong?

I know the meaning of 'homies' :D
Maybe you do! I see a heart!

A heart with a Demonic face? @velimir?

Obviously, I don't like red or fire or something today?

I don't see the demonic face...show me where it is?

I see it in the upper center part of the work, the darker orange hue.

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