Oil painting - "transcendent hand"

in #art7 years ago


So this is it! I've created this Fatma hand, with some elements normally used as energy cleansers and also symbols of strength, protection, balance and transcendence. There's also Ganesha, the destroyer of obstacles :) I used gold finger to finish small details with a touch of gold. The depiction is original, created from scratch, using Fatma hand traditional elements like the fish and the eye. Started roughly as a sketch, and evolved into balance and precision during the painting process. Enjoy and...

Upvote Art, it's a superb way to keep us artists motivated and, of course, fed :P


This would make a stunning tattoo- love the palette you used. What kind of paint did you use?

hey, eheh never thought of that... a tattoo, wow, that would be awesome! but now I'm curious :P do you do tattoos? i used oil paint, it's my favorite :)

I've got incredible respect for tattooists but I am unfortunately not one, nor do I have a tattoo.... yet. ;) Oils are great, my mom uses oils, gives you a lot of freedom

yeah indeed, it has a flow to it... and the smell, love it!

You were that kid smelling the markers in the back of class weren't you

eheh not so much :P but played a lot with glue :P

that would have been my next guess!

Nice art!

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