What's the Point: A New Segment by Turtledance24

in #art6 years ago

Hello guys, here I am again, your friendly shell hiding friend turtledance24 for another post that will not help you with your lives in any ways or form. First thing is first, I'm rewriting that post that didn't made it the other day today even it means that I have to type everything and copy paste everything again for two hours- because that is what heroes do. XD

So you see I had always been wondering on things why something exists or why it goes out like that even there is no logical reason for it or them to be there. I'm a curious person and I always think so much most of the time to the point that I sometimes question why I ask too much questions in my head. And because of that, a good idea just came into me yesterday thanks to some expensive crayons that I had been seeing for a while now this another gem of an idea came into me. Why do they even make expensive crayons anyway?

For clarification, my posts under this segment would become more of a rant rather than an informative post. I might toss in some info that I might get across over the net but I would hope most of the time to get answers from the people who would give the time to explain to me why or just simply contest my point in this post. I just want to ridicule things that I do not get and I also love people pointing out to me that I am wrong because learning comes next after that. I love learning so don't take anything in this post personally.

For my first "What's the point" segment, I will be ranting about these expensive technical pens that are produced by Rotring and Staedler that I just realized recently that have no real use if you think about it that much. You know those refillable scratchy expensive pens that are so hard to use and maintain and still they sell it way more higher than a functional comfortable pen? I will destroy those pens here in this post!!! I hate them for all the reasons that I have so hear me out!

This pens should be phased out!

A month ago I discussed these pens to some friends in a Facebook group about how I feel about them. I tried explaining to them that these technical pens do not make any sense in price and in design. I also told them that these pens are no more than just a collectors item with no real value. Its just more of a commemorative item for those who are curious enough to buy them.

One of my friends told me that its used in the field of architecture but I simply rejected the idea because in a professional setting, we use computer aided design also known as CAD for the job of making the floor plans. The use of CAD isn't only fast its even less prone to error because the focus of the work is more on the design rather on how to make the drawing presentable using manual drafting.

Someone also gave me the idea that its used for comics which I debunked right away with reasoning out that the lines it produces are so dead that its only practical to be used for the background. And another thing that made his position in the argument way worse is when I told him that a cheaper Uni pin or a Sakura Micron can do the job way better than the expensive technical pen.

I can remember back when I was still in college and was still taking an architectural course, my classmates have these technical pens that they don't want me to touch because they are so valuable and useful they shouldn't be soiled by my poor hands. Fast forward after seven years, I see my friend in Facebook still pursuing his studies for a board exam licensure or a master's degree that I don't get the point in any form. But that is besides the real gist of this post. After several years after I dropped on my so much hated university I was able to get into the position to buy the things that I cannot buy before. Like inking pens, technical pens, a lot of expensive water color paper, like you get the point. Life came good to me rolling that I was able to do things I want that I cannot before.

Then this happened. Since, I have so much tools now and the same amount of hours a day I cannot really give much attention on maintaining my tools and medium which made some of them get damaged just because I do not clean them after use. My mentality from the start until now is the same, keep on working and practicing as much as you can so that you keep on failing and gaining. Artistic capabilities are obtained via repeated failures and with that in mind, I had no time to clean my supplies thoroughly which these technical pens require/ demand you to do every time even you don't use them as long as they are loaded with ink in their cartridge.

See that? It has a primitive refillable cartridge system that cannot even hold itself with just being stored like that, I don't get the point of it. Personally, I think this product/ technology is so outdated that its no longer practical to buy them unless you are curious about them like my so rich classmates in college that doesn't even want to use them in real work. Its not even practical for mass production anymore.

Another person in that same chat room pointed out to me that these technical pens are used for producing some kind of film or material in news papers which he is also unsure about. The little debate is one vs five and I am the only one who is on the idea that these pens should no longer exist in our local book stores. Like hell! I rarely see manga dip pens here which have more demand and use than fountain pens and these technical pens.

So in summary for my position in this idea, these pens no longer have real use because of: There are pens that are cheaper and can do what it does better with almost the same results; Most people in a commercial setting use a computer; And its fucking too sensitive for a 12 dollar pen that does nothing but produce more scratches than ink when you write on paper. This product is retarded.

Maybe before the invention of Pigmented pens and markers and computers these techpens where a must buy like how people used to have fountain pens as a writing instrument. Hell, the ballpen was invented because a guy that I do not know the name doesn't like using fountain pens. Even so that ballpens, the more superior and cheaper alternative to fountain pen already existed, the production of these fountain pens didn't stopped but their former use had changed. The before mostly used fountain pen is now just an item bought most of the time as a gift. Department stores place them in really good display and wrap them in really fancy box with ribbons when you purchase them given that buying them is more likely for a gift or a collection. Some people who call their selves fountain pen aficionados say that having a fountain pain is advantageous for signing important papers cause of its harder to fake the flow of the fountain pen ink. But I simply disagree to that. If you want assurance on your papers to ensure that its your sign and that it has your approval, don't just sign, apply a thumbmark with a good ink or lip mark somewhere. Their just shilling their collection in my point of view when they said that. And if its money, don't use a bank, use bitcoin so that you don't need to sign things anymore. Keeping a string of random codes is better than handing over your money to these people who say that your money is in good hands that it will profit with them while it inflates faster.

Speaking of bitcoin, God damn the market crashed today. Hope you guys are okay, Crypto is going nowhere, its here to stay!

Everything here in this post are mine other than the thumbnail and the picture in the middle of the post

The Technical Pen picture used is borrowed from wikipedia, Staedler is owned by Mars Lumograph

The picture in the middle is borrowed from jetpens.com, Sakuramicron is owned by sakura ltd

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