I Almost Died: I Went to a Doctor Today

in #art6 years ago (edited)


Okay, before everything else, that title I just typed for this post is a clickbait/ joke. If you're not familiar to this joke, this joke refers to that Youtube trend a few years ago with almost every Youtuber having a click bait title "I almost died". Ehhhh.... Its a joke, don't take those words seriously.

But for real, I went to a doctor today, on an eye doctor, in short, an ophthalmologist(for God's sake, why does this word have 2 silent Hs in it's spelling?). You see, I've been having these discomforts in my eyes these past days and it's kinda irritating/ alarming(somehow). These past days, for some reason, my eyes is having a real hard time looking at my computer monitor for several reasons; 1.random lights(computer lights) goes into my eyes that makes it hard for me to understand what I'm looking at 2. my left eye is crying out loud coz it feels swelling.

Well, personally, this is alarming, just imagine me drawing without any eyes, my drawing would probably go worse than this.

Before going to the doctor, I already made some early Google searches so I have the idea on what to expect and what to ask as the checkup goes on. With a little reading and a little thinking I was able to narrow down the possible causes of this discomforts.

Turtle's Hypothesized Reasons Why He Sucks His Eyes Hurts:

1. Could be my rooms lighting
-You see, my discomfort started to get into me these past three days and one reason that I was thinking is my room's lighting. The setting of my room is like this; a long small open window behind me. The position of that window from the ground is around two meters. My pc is positioned on the opposite wall were the light that passes through the window directly hits it. Somehow, I accused that direct light to be the culprit from all these pain. Well, I'm not sure yet, I better wait for the new glasses to be picked up and think again.

2. My Computer Monitor is Flickering
-I've came accross this word called as flickering on Google when I tried to search up for things like, "does using the computer too much harm your eyes", "is the light from my computer monitor harmful"... Things like that, I had random answers like "there are no real info or study about this" and the other common case "that pschologically it damages you and worse your eyes as well". This articles that I read just gave me more questions to ask so I kept looking until I came across this word, flickering.

Flickering is a word that refers to the light reaction a CRT monitor or an old flat screen monitor produces that makes a user's eyes feel some pain. I didn't read thing about this flickering to cause permanent and terrible eye damages but avoidng them would be the best. To avoid them, just replace your old CRT or LCD monitor with a new updated model monitor.

My monitor is just 9 months old so the possibility that its my monitor that causes all these discomforts is really low. But its still possible though.

3. My Glasses No Longer Fits Me

-Another more likely reason that I was thinking of these discomforts is my three to four year old pair of glasses. Most commercial doctors on eyewear clinics encourage eye glass users to update their glasses twice a year which is I don't personally believe. I think a pair of glasses is good as long as its okay.Well, yeah, these pair that I'm using right now(since the new issue of glasses aren't still there) are kind of old already and based of the data that came out after the check up, my eye kinda grew a little worse since I picked this old glasses that I'm wearing right now. But yeah, I still do think that this increase is normal and not really serious.

4. I'm Just so Stressed and I Just Need a Long Rest

-These past months, since that webtoons contest, I've been drawing everyday almost none stop. The fuel that made me do that since that contest was the want to win that contest. Well, unfortunately I didn't won but that adrenaline or feel of wanting to produce as much didn't went away. The truth is, since the contest results was declared last September, I still kept going but now, I kinda shifted to studying other things like using CGIs and painting, which is also related if you think about it.

There are times that I sleep at 3AM in the morning(which is really rare for me before cause I sleep as early as 8 PM) and then wake up at 6Am with just having 3 hours of sleep. Whenever I woke up like that, my mind thinks about drawing right away so I eat and go to the gym and approximately, I will be starting to draw from 8:30 Am til I'm about to sleep again.

Yeah, I have short breaks like meals and baths. But, I almost don't rest. Sometimes, I even think that I'm over motivated and somehow it scares me but I keep on going. Its like Boku no Pico.

shit was so disturbing... Yet I could'nt stop watching it!

Phew, this post got longer than expected... Oh well. So, yeah thats the current condition of my eyes and my sanity right now. Hope you don't get scared of me because of this!

Everything Here in This Post are Mine!

Except for the Youtube video, that video belongs to dondonini channel, check his dead channel BTW to support him


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