Bird eye view

in #art7 years ago


This was one of the hardest art I have created. My eyes, back and brain hurt after putting in 7-8 hours on just an A4 size sheet. I was balling my eyes out after this-Please vote, comment if you like it 🙃


I really like these!

Thank you-must remind you a bit of when you are at work I guess :)

Lol a little bit, yeah

Wow yeah this I like awesome.

Thank you, I like it too :)
It wasn't easy to make-won't make one like this ever again.

Fantastic! The perspective in this is meticulous, bravo and thanks so much for entering! Also going to follow!

Thank you-I am already following you🙂

This is very cool and I can understand your pain and pleasure in creating this piece!
I used to do a lot of these when I was younger, but now I cannot use my hands that well.
This is why I love to use JWildfire and Mandelbulber3D for creating art like this, I still spend as much time doing it, but the heavy lifting is done by the machine.
Still, art is art, the machine is only doing your bidding.

I think it's the journey and process that is important, as long as you enjoy and have fun creating it, it doesn't matter if you used a machine or your hands- you have a vision and you had and idea and you could bring it to life :)

Exactly my thoughts! You nailed it 😋!

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