High-Quality 'Decline Payout' Promotional Stunt with Art and Special Giveaway!

in #art7 years ago

Madge The Wise

Madge. Who could forget Madge, the Sage of the Seventies, using liquid dishwashing soap on TV to illustrate a rather existential concept: "You're soaking in It." Any person seeking an understanding of what their purpose in life may be, Madge was there on the screen with her Palmolive bottle ready to answer the questions of life's deepest mysteries.

"Wasn't she really just selling soap though?"

It was a TV commercial, so Madge was most likely selling something, but perched in her salon, she was in a position to make the world a better place by her words of wisdom, the soap being but a vehicle to that lofty nail parlor on TV where she could repeat as needed to the world, "You're soaking in It."
Madge's words are the sort of wise words that can improve our lives, and while we could all learn from her Madgeness, this post will not be about Madge or her liquid soap. So that's enough about the soap.

"Is @therealpaul selling soap now?"

No @therealpaul is not selling soap, and this is not an ad. Okay it's an ad, but not for soap-- this little promotional post is part of @therealpaul's formula for getting @therealpaul's artwork viewed by lots of people. Nothing to do with soap.

"Why 'Decline Payout' though?"
It's @therealpaul, he just goes nuts sometimes with the self-promotion. How about we save the questions for the comment section though, and get straight to the art entry which @therealpaul chose for this promotional 'Decline Payout' Special Post.

Here then, never before seen on the internet in such clarity, is a 1995 pen and ink with colored pencil on 11" X 14" paper:

Shroom World- 1995

Never know what to expect from @therealpaul?

Here at Steemit, @therealpaul can take his followers upon a trek into the unknown, and ONLY here can a person hope to find out what this compelling short (less than thirty seconds) video is all about:

Cal's video of Kokotapi Creature

In @therealpaul's original Steemit Comedy Theater, not only will you learn what @therealpaul wants you to think about this alleged Kokotapi creature video, you get to help write and create disinformation and propaganda to cover up Koko's existence in the comments! Part 3 of Steemit Comedy Theater's adaptation of 'The Koko Files' is coming soon.

There's More!

There's loads more. Here exclusively at Steemit, @therealpaul will share short tales from The Library of Unusual Twists, book reports about books that he's too lazy to write, real poetry and occasional songs, plus all of the artwork that the world has been needing, dusted off and photographed, scanned or otherwise digitally transferred to Steemit.

Speaking of transfers...

As part of this special 'Decline Rewards' promotional post, @therealpaul will send 5.000 STEEM to his first new follower after this post goes up. Click any @therealpaul to enter. Don't worry, @therealpaul is good for it, his satisfied followers keep him rolling in STEEM so that he will continue to do what he does-- sharing weird art and creepy stories, pirate tales, parables and myths here at Steemit. 5 STEEM. No joke.

Why not make more ads, @therealpaul?

Sometimes @therealpaul is asked, "why don't you make advertisements for yourself, to promote yourself, and to help promote the Steemit platform?"
We here at @therealpaul have access to @therealpaul himself, and we asked him this very question for his followers; " @therealpaul, why don't you do a promotional piece, like an ad for your page?"
@therealpaul answers:

"You're soaking in It."


@therealpaul is much cooler than liquid dishwashing soap ;)
An old friend came to town for a visit, didn't get anything done, lol.
resteeming this promotional promotion to see if it will promote it further.

@therealpaul wants to be the new Madge. Thanks for the promotional promo resteem, my stuff always does great when you resteem you know ;)

I'm glad. I wanted to see if that would be the case in a decline rewards post, I have seen what you mean about some of them doing really well, but I've also seen it go the other way, people not wanting to sacrifice their vote if it's not going toward something.
It's also a little late, so I'm not sure if we'll get an accurate conclusion on the experiment.

I posted at a later time in the morn than I'd meant to, and yeah that makes sense about the votes being saved for 'rewards', I think I've not voted for that same reason.

I've put my vote down to a few percent, to give it that like anyway, but yeah, I definitely don't go all out for the decline payout posts.
Hit chat for a sec, if you're still awake.

Definitely save % power, this was a test/promo, and yeah it's not going to do much to try to add $ to the nonreward. ;)

"I think my fingers are all pruned from so much @T.R.P., Madge"...

Great read, and the art is wonderful. And I think you're onto something here. I need to put my name in every post about 27 times...after awhile, it just becomes @therealpaul normal to @therealpaul write and say something you @therealpaul don't conciously identify with @therealpaul, thanks for the great idea.

It's brand saturation, flood the information pool with it. No but actually the numbers are in, and I can't recommend it.

The @therealpaul talks about the @therealpaul a lot.

And that's a beautiful drawing. :)

He's an amazing artist. He did the cover for the book I'm posting chapters of on here :)

As a special self-promotional post, the name came up a lot! Thanks ;)

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