A Man Enjoying His Time At Home On a Winter's Day Amid a Glaring of Cats

in #art7 years ago (edited)

This was supposed to be me, a self portrait, but as I was drawing it... hang on...

Anyway, while I was drawing my self portrait, there were some distractions in the house. Infinite distractions, to be exact.


A Man Enjoying His Time At Home On a Winter's Day Amid a Glaring of Cats.

I used to have a cat.

I used to have a cat, but life happens, changes in life come along, and now I have four. Four cats. Hang on...

Oh! Cute indeed! Some innocent little doll wanted outside, and had begun removing the insulation around the door frame with a claw. That will have to be replaced!

So I was going to draw a pict... dammit hang on...

This cabin that I live in, it's not that big. It was pretty perfect for a while though, I can still remember when it looked and smelled nice around here, before the hairballs began their marches across the hardwood floors in the breezes, and before the wafting smell of fresh cat urine greeted the nose with a pinch.

There was a time when I would have people over to visit, but when you have four

Oh for the love of f-cking f-ck hang on...

Tearing into my bread! A fancy bag of grain-free cat food costs quite a bit more than the basic Purina cat food, and to me it's worth it knowing that I'm taking care of these 4 animals the best that I can. The cats will eat it, but they still tear into my bread every chance they get.

I hear the screen being shredded on the front door, somebody wants back in.

Never get cats.

I'll try to post something decent later, this was supposed to be an art post, not a cat post. That drawing just looks nothing like me, it was hard to concentrate.

Is that really what I look like now? I think I'll call it, A Man Enjoying His Time At Home On a Winter's Day Amid a Glaring of Cats.

artwork above, A Man Enjoying His Time At Home On a Winter's Day Amid a Glaring of Cats. by me, 2018, colored pencils, ball point pen on watercolor paper. For more variety, pictures and stories, click below

Screen Shot 2017-10-25 at 1.00.30 PM.png

click @therealpaul for more


Really cool image. I really enjoy looking at that guy with the strange library background. Very pleasing!!! 🤓

Yeah the grain of the art paper gave the bindings on the books a sort of authentic texture I thought. ;)

The man looks very scary, if I meet that one at night I may be get heart attack. Very funny art work, you can create every thing with the help of art. Thanks for sharing.

He looks like he's had too much cat in his house! Thank you.

You are so weird but like in a good way

It's 'alternative' entertainment, or 'other'.

I see you hiding behind that crazed look!

I think I got the hair right! ;)

What a perfect mess. Damn cats. One lives in my blog. Can't get rid of that damn thing. He just sits there with this dumb look on his face. Damn cat.

One of these posts hey! Frickin' chaos... and I can't stop laughing.

No way that's a cat on your blog, I'm certain that ALL of the cats are in my house except for the one destroying the back screen door.

Maybe it's a cat burglar!

They are like the A team or something, 'create a diversion at the front, I'll head to the kitchen, n' I pity the fool try to take back their bread'

That damn Mr. T strikes again!

This is really special Thank you for participating in this beautiful morning I wish you a beautiful day. @therealpaul

Thanks! You should upvote, you may get curation rewards.

I've been upvote your hero

Great drawing as usual! Although this man does not appear to be enjoying his time at all.... :) (no I get it, that was the point...)

Sorry your cats are giving you trouble. I'm surprised to hear about cats getting into bread. I've never heard of a cat eating bread. The ones I am around usually demand their tribute every time the cold cuts are opened, though. If an adequate sacrifice is not received, watch out! They may go straight for the jugular!

We go through this cabin fever every winter, so this routine has been going on a while. I think they go for the bread out of sport, just to rag the wrapper, and kill it on the floor. It sounds fun, I must admit!

This amazing drawing I liked so much I radiant you hero You are really amazing and wonderful sir
I am an artist and a talented person
Good day. @therealpaul

I'm glad to hear that you liked the drawing, thanks.

I have a cat myself, I know how moody those creatures are.
By the way, interesting auto-portrait.

I like a cat, or two. At least I can remember what it's like to like a cat. Really though, when it's cold out we go through this every year- they don't want to be in either, so they get bored.

That fcuk hahah lol man

Of course I blame the cats for that, or for everything.

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