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RE: The Nequan: "A lesson in love." (re-write/draw reality with @artwatch)

in #art6 years ago
I discovered this post courtesy of @artemisnorth, who was kind enough to share a link to it in the SteemitRamble discord server during a curation show. I am glad she highlighted your impressive work because it is incredibly creative and fascinating!

Old books have always been a curiosity for me, too, and filled with thoughts and artwork that seems rather esoteric in nature. Yet, you have taken a vintage drawing and expanded it into an even more esoteric entity, filled with the strange wonder of another world. The story of the Nequan is beautiful and the watchwords, “No one is mother, all are mother” are striking in their wisdom and simplicity.

I seldom resteem a post, as I do not wish to fill my blog with the works of others instead of my own work, but this definitely is earning a resteem as well as an upvote! Bravo! 💖

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