Fun Book Art // Hari Pecinta Buku Nasional

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends!

Just as I was about to power up, Steem is going up! I kind of lost the window there. Ah well, that's what I get for going to bed early, I guess.

Did you do any powering up while Steem was as low as 1.01 in the internal market? Good on ya!

This morning I had a fun time with my boys playing with some books. Yes, books can be fun, you know.

The kids room is jam packed with reading books, my husband's working room is filled with his books, while I have my own (huge) space downstairs for my cook-book collections, which I called it as basement library - it is my sacred place :D

Kids don't read much themselves to be honest, but they love it when I read for them. Lazy arses those kids of mine :P They said the story books come to life when I read them, as I change voices between characters, while their father doesn't.

This morning tho, we were playing with my kind of books instead, yep, recipe books. BUT, instead reading, obviously they don't care for cooking books, I asked them to pose for me with them books, because today is...??!!!!...NATIONAL BOOK LOVERS DAY

I did not feel like baking today, so book art it is :D

Hai Teman!

Tadi pagi aku dan anak-anak, ga lama setelah bangun, langsung mainan sama buku!

Ga ada kerjaan yak wkwkwkwk

Di rumah ini segudang deh buku yang kami miliki. Dari bukunya anak-anak, buku bekas sekolah suami dan juga diriku, buku novel, buku komik, buku apapun ada, terutama buku-buku resep yang sudah lama ku koleksi, dari tahun 2005 :D

Bahkan saking banyaknya buku masakan dirumah ini, satu ruangan dilantai bawah adalah ruangan khusus buat buku-buku resepku doang, dan kuberi nama perpustakaan lantai bawah wkwkwk

Hari ini aku berbagi cerita tentang buku untuk #ulog hari ini, dikarenakan hari ini adalah HARI PECINTA BUKU NASIONAL

Aku suka banget merayakan hari-hari nasional yang ada di Amerika Utara, habis seru sih. Nyaris segala hal, ada hari nasionalnya wkwkwk

Dan kalau biasanya aku rayakan dengan mencoba menciptakan sesuatu dari dapur, berupa kue ataupun masakan, hari ini agak males ke dapur, euy. Jadiiiii yah, main-main sama buku beneran deh :D

Jump! Picking an apple is not that easy without a ladder! - susahnya metik apel kalau pendek yak ;-) ayo lompat! - 46 books

My boys, especially my youngest, love playing music, listening to, and especially singing, of just about any theme songs from their favorite tv-shows or games. It is a nice feeling as parents to hear their voice be the the sound is out of tune or not, but my gosh, my youngest does not like me singing! Like seriously! He would say, "mommy stop singing", "mommy, you're too noisy", or even when I play music at my OWN phone or YouTube, he would come running to me and say "mommy, too loud". He really dislikes my voice and my music of choice hahaha

Most likely since I did not sing much to him while he was a newborn baby? Or my voice is just THAT lousy :P

My oldest likes it when I sing. But yeah, I did sing to him plenty of times when he was a teeny tiny premature baby.

Anak-anakku hobinya nyanyi, nyanyi apapun, lagu anak-anak, lagu nyak-babenya, namun terutama lagu-lagu dari filem-filem kartun kesukaan mereka (seperti Spongebob), ataupun dari permainan mereka di telefon, XboX dan Play Station (Talking Tom, Skulls of The Shogun, dll).

Lucunyaaaaa, anakku yang bungsu, paling suka be-te kalau mak-nya nyanyi. Baru aja aku mulai buka mulut, ancang-ancang mau nyanyi, langsung deh dia protes hahahha Dia bisa bilang aku terlalu ribut, terlalu nyaring, pokoknya jangan nyanyi deh, S-T-O-P, selalu dia loncat ke depan mukaku dan nutup mulutku dengan kedua tangan mungilnya hahahah

Berbeda dengan anakku yang sulung, dia suka sama lagu-lagu ku, meski kadang berbahasa Indonesia, dan ga keberatan kalau aku nyanyi

listen, listen, I play something okay, just listen, he said. - kalau giliran dia yang ada maunya, serumah harus mendengarkan, meski genjreng-genjreng ga karuan wkwkwk - 42 books

Today's book art(s) commemorating National Book Lovers Day, are representing what I like actually. Like my basement library, cook books, apples (can never get enough of them, we always have apples in this house), tomatoes from the garden hahahaha

Yeah, some of them are tomatoes on the first picture :)

This year I have not gotten new books for my basement library, which makes me sad. Slowly I feel as if since I started living eggless, meatless, dairy free, and no honey, a.k.a vegan, I am abandoning my basement library. Too many recipes in the books are obviously not vegan, and most of them are not that easy to be veganized, and I love trying new recipes, but now many I just cannot, yet. I have more than 500 cook books in the library, not to mention recipe-clippings in binders. I used to love just sitting down there, and read, read, read, or more to drooling on the pictures. But now, those medium-rare steaks even only the pictures would make me feel guilty. So I haven't touch those books at all, especially this year. I truly haven't really spend time down there, damn!

Di perpustakaan pribadiku di lantai bawah, kira-kira ada lebih dari 500 buku masakan deh. Belum lagi ditambah kliping resep. Kalau pindahan rumah ataupun mau ganti suasana ruangan, lumayan cape, menguras tenaga, ngangkutin buku dari satu lemari ke lantai, balik ke lemari wkwkwkw Kadang bisa seminggu-dua minggu ga selesai, dan bahkan bisa sebulan

Apa teman suka membaca juga? Meski sukanya baca buku masakan, seperti aku ini hahahha

Hari ini, foto-foto yang ku unggah untuk seni sederhana menata buku, alias mainan buku, sebenarnya juga menunjukkan hal-hal yang aku suka, yaitu buku tentunya, buku masakan terutamanya, juga buah apel, tomat dari kebun belakang (yang berarti aku juga suka tanam-menanam), musik, dan tentunya anak-anakku yang nakal-nakal tapi untung ganteng-ganteng :P Lah iyalah ganteng, kan laki-laki yak, kalau perempuan tentunya cantik-cantik wkwkw

one of the book racks, downstairs - salah satu rak buku di perpustakaan dibawah

Making book art is not so simple as it requires tons of books. I wanted to create more and take more pictures, but my gosh, going up and down carrying books are tiring and takes time. Not to mention, a more elaborate theme requires more thinking, which I do not like to do! And plus, not all of the books are easy to work with, some are too flimsy lol (you will see below what I mean).

Luckily I had an assistant helping me carrying the books and my assistant was very strong! He could carry a stack of books all by himself, thick books I must add, and he was not that expensive! I only had to reward him with 2 SBD ;-)

Lumayan capek deh habis naik turun lantai atas, lantai bawah, sambil angkat-angkat buku demi Steemit wkwkwkw...eeeh maksudnya demi merayakan Hari Pecinta Buku Se-Nasional :P

Untungnya tadi aku ada asisten. Dia bantuin aku angkat-angkat buku yang tebal-tebal. Aku mah tinggal leha-leha, angkat yang tipis-tpis saja, sedangkan asistenku bagian yang berat.

Orangnya tidak mengomel, asal dibayar 2 SBD sudah cukup. Pekerja keras sekali

Tapi lihat nih wajah dia, keberatan. Kasihan yak

child labor - kecian masih kecil dah disuruh kerja demi segenggam berlian buat maknya - 15 books

I mentioned that some books are too flimsy to work with, well here is an example.

I wanted to create a beast of some sort, where my boys can pose as if they were shooting at it with their toy guns or slay it with their foam swords.

Needless to say, I did not finish creating it as most of the recipe books I have are not hard cover nor dark in color.

So I went digging up some books in my husband's work room, buuuuttt, as my husband can read certain books over and over and over again, his books are not crisp, and would limp down when I tried to stand them up nicely

As you can see I had to use non recipe books, but yeah, could not finish creating the beast. I will have to try again some other time :)

Disamping menata buku-bukuku sesuai kesuakaanku, tadinya aku juga mau bikin serigala kek, atau naga kek, yang sekiranya anak-anakku ntar bisa berpose dengan senjata mainan mereka atau pedang mainan mereka, jadi seolah-olah anak-anak sedang melawan bak superhero

Sayangnya rata-rata buku masakanku tidak memiliki sampul buku yang tebal/keras dan bisa didirikan dengan cantik. Jadi tadi minjam buku suami, dari kamus sampai ke novel punya dia. Namuuuun, suamiku tuh doyannya membaca, misalnya dia suka satu buku tertentu, bisa dibaca berkali-kali sampai lusuh. Jadinya yah sami mawon, ga bisa didirikan juga buku-buku dia.

Jadi yah tunggu ntar aja deh nyoba bikin teman superhero ini wkwkwkw

is it a dog, is it a wolf, it's not Superman! - mirip ama binatang ga yah?

So yeah, the kids and I truly had a fun morning earlier hahaha

I think we have enough books for today, crossing fingers I don't have to read them no bed time stories tonight :P

Do you like reading as well? Do you buy books often? What genre you like to read? What do you do with unwanted/used books? Recycle, gift them to local library, or...?

I get my (cook) books from thrift store, book store, hand me down, presents, and some were even sent by friends from abroad. I just love cook books too much :D

But for now, let me say bye-bye, have a lovely Thursday, excuse myself as I have to water some plants ;-)

Grab a book today and READ

From one book lover to another, Happy Reading Day!

Segini dulu yah, waktunya nyiram tanaman nih. Diluar lagi super tebal kabut asap. Sedih deh, di Indonesia kena gempa, disini kebakaran hutan, alam berbicara. Semoga kita semua dalam lindungan-Nya, aamiin.

Oke deh sampai jumpa lagi. Mari sama-sama membudayakan untuk gemar membaca, meski membaca buku masakan hehe

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Bagi yang mau ikutan merayakan 17 Agustus berhadiah 10 SBD melalui #lagu-tkf, masih ada waktu, klik disini ---

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26 books

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I agree book is art! No scratch that... book is life!! Hahaha we love books, i actually hoard a few for my little one.. and the hubs does not even know it... sssshhhhh! Its just our secret! Haha

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I have a bookcase cabinet too. But I keep all our books there except for the study books which the boys keep it in their room as display ☹️..

The boys don't value books like I do. I would go to the bookstore & browse what's on sale & interesting. But I'll wait till it's a warehouse sale then only I'll buy 😉

what the??? no cake or cookies or pie or brownies or cupcakes or strange foreign desserts to drool over? haha howya doing kitchenfairy? this was a fun post, thank you!

I'm lazy 🤣

I am in vacation mode, so dont feel like messing around much in the kitchen 😁

How is your keto doing?

ha! lazy huh? how can you be lazy when you got those kids to take care of and feed? you don't have the luxury of being lazy. the Keto is going very well, feel great, staying very trim, we cheat every other weekend so that we have the willpower to keep going.
how about you?

This was a fun and different post than you normally do. I enjoyed this one with the kids helping with the art!

We do a lot of arts and crafts, i just dont post them (i read some ppl dont like what Steemit is becoming - a blog site, so i am trying not to post much of blogging like posts when I can hahah)

Funny, I thought it was a blogging site for content creators...

Sepertinya keluarga Anda sejak kecil sudah menjadi keluarga pecinta buku ya? :)

Hai teman,

Diusahakan agar anak2 senang membaca, gudangnya ilmu, meski bacaannya adalah komik wkwkwkw

So creative with the books! I used to be a reader, but now I almost never read except online. I am more of a writer now and since I am traveling, books are too heavy for me. I have lots and lots of Kindle books, but most of them are unread. When I was a reader, it was usually travel or memoirs. And when my son was young, I read with him. He is a reader still at 25, so I guess I did the right thing there :)

Waow kak @thekitchenfairy koleksi bukunya ternyata lebih bnyk juga. Punyaku malahan di kampung udh seperti rak yg kakak punya.

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NO, I had not powered up yet whatever the rate was, in my opinion books are best friends after your humans friends,I had been reading books for many years, I used to buy these books from book shop some of them were gift from my cousin and friends these books were cooking books,novels,the children,s story books after reading these books ,I gifted these books .

I LOVE books too!

Is that A Series if Unfortunate Events making up your flower stem?

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