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RE: My first contest in steemit, thanks @surfermarly for the opportunity.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Hey @blueberryfoxy!
I'm glad you're participating.

Your submissions are very cool!!! I like the idea. You totally got it.

I only have one little point to criticize... Maybe it's very loaded - especially the black one. I'm just thinking about printing it on a t-shirt. That would be massive.

Would you be open for some slight adjustments?
The following one, for instance, is very nice.

From my point of view, it would be even nicer if a) the black foot at the bottom was smaller (30% of the current height or even less) b) "the talent" (first line of text) was also smaller, finalizing the "e" from THE exactly with the left chimney of the fabric. Also I could imagine the first line of text being written in a different typo than the second one, maybe in italic, to provide the whole thing with a bit more dynamic.

But again, this one is VERY close to what I was imagining :-)

Resteemed for more visibility, you're a very talented graphic designer ;-)


Something like that...? (just a rough edited version of yours)

If you want you may do some more versions with different typos.

Of course, I will make the necessary changes and I will show you, thanks for the opportunity.

Awesome! Thank YOU for your efforts :-)

Important question: Are you able to provide the final logo as a vector graphic?

Yes, I can do that, but what format do you need? since I use adobe ilustrator.

i don´t use the old steemit logo?

The 'old' steemit logo is perfect here since it is still used to represent Steem (the token / currency). I'd rather leave it like that. There is no need to include the new steemit logo (the green one), you did all right :-)

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