The Girl who cried Wolf

in #art6 years ago

I felt like drawing a bit but the things suggested to me didn't feel ... right. I didn't really feel like drawing something silly and meaningless. I'm currently struggling with several things which, of course, all happened at once. All stressful things always happen at once, that's the rule

As usual, music helps a bit. Funny enough, songs that feel good during certain times always share something, be it similar lyrics/a similar meaning, a similar style of music or something else. The last days, the two songs I listened to most were these two:

And Girl Who Cried Wolf by Numblife which German YouTube blocked, so I linked the Spotify version.

Anyway, here's my drawing:


I'm still trying to cope with the fact that I'm drawing like a 13 year old, so the things I have in mind don't really come out as intended. Even the damn eyes are uneven. But, oh well, drawing this was therapeutic and you know you're kind of following a shitpost account.

Hope you have a nice week



Just before I wanted to go to sleep I get this. Now I'm not sure if I'll be able to. Did it have to be a devil? Well, at least it's smiling.

She's a happy demon lady. Probably thinking about murder. I am 99% sure she's thinking about murder.

Drawing is very therapeutic and as long as you keep trying and not beating yourself up too much, you will develop over time and find your own style. Keep working at it and have a great week! :)

That is seriously the way my 13 year old self used to draw.... Wait... It't still the way I draw. Damn it.

My 13 year old self was more on the 5 year old level so I guess I improved

I'm feeling stressed out too and quite depressed... feeling rather hopeless recently. Not really because of anything here to begin with but then some stuff from here piled on top, and the bear market on top of that. I am trying to stay positive but I am failing. It's why I've been pretty quiet the past couple of days. I don't like to be a beacon of sadness unto the world. Not to say people shouldn't express their feelings. It's good to do that. I'm doing it right now. It's just my natural inclination to withdraw.

I liked your drawing. I like art of all styles. As you continue to draw you will develop into your style more and more and feel better and better about your work. I don't believe in talent. I believe in skill, and those with or without the passion to seek it. I am glad I get to watch you develop as an artist. It is a rare privilege, because too many people are ashamed to show others what they've done until it is "good enough." Which for some is never. I'm glad you share your work. I still go back and look at your time cube drawing now and then.

I have nothing else to add. I'm not here for an upvote. They need to add the decline rewards feature to comments. I just wanted to stop by and express my appreciation and thank you for the well wishes. I hope you have a good week too. I wish you victory over your stressors, whatever they may be.

💚 if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me

O.O I didn't know I could find someone who listens Kito like me.

Nice work. Always keep working at it.

Suesa... i'm not going to lie to you...did you even you try xD?
Well... i can't say anything, my drawings are probably worse :P

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