Facebook Inspired Drawing - Giving Away Half The SBD From This Post For Your Comment

in #art7 years ago

It's 7:30 in the morning on Saturday, -3 degrees, no wind, but overcast. The fire is just starting to put out some heat and the coffee just finished brewing - it's delicious.

I found myself on Facebook last night. I know, right? What was I thinking?

I didn't even realize I was on it until I had been scrolling down the feed for a while like zombie. There is nothing but garbage on there. I usually will check it out if family or friends post some pictures or something and I may get stuck there for a while. I mean, steemit has some pretty bad and cheesy posts, but facebook really has mastered the art of showing you nothing important, ever. Steemit at least is a mix of good and bad, and it hasn't been around for like 17 years.

So what's on my Facebook feed right now?

Every time I open the thing up there is an old picture. Here's the one from today. My dog Gibson from 7 years ago looks like he fell alseep mid lick of the pillow. This is a cool feature. It would actually be cool to open up my steemit feed and see something I posted or resteemed from last year. Hint Hint Dev Team.


Other than the picture, I'm bombarded with brainwashing manipulation.

Trump, Trump, War, Trudeau, Trump, Gun Control, Nuclear War, Trump, Shity Meme, Gun Control, North Korea, Canada, Trudeau, Gender Neutrality, Police Abuse, Awesome technology that never seems to make it past Facebook, Vaccine Shaming, Putin, Trump, ICO, Vaccine Shaming, ICO, ICO, Trudeau, Canada, Mass Shooting, Police Abuse........ and on and on. I do not care about Trump in the slightest. I am not American, and I'm pretty aware that it's all for show and I don't watch it. Yet Facebook keeps shoving it my face.

There is of course the occasional post from family or friends, but it's pretty rare. I find myself trying to comment like I might comment on something from steemit. I make a nice lengthy reply to a post someone shared and I get nothing. I should learn my lesson from the comment spammers here and just write, "nice post." People seem to like that there.

Anyway, enough of the Facebook talk. I wanted to quickly lead into the drawing I did last night but it sort of turned into a lengthy ramble.

I thought about how Facebook seems to suck you back in. There are people who are completely addicted to scrolling through that manipulative garbage and they don't even know. So it inspired this little sketch last night.

Facebook_To_the_Grave touchup.png

I suppose this picture could have a few different meanings depending how you look at it. I don't want to say which one I was thinking because I want you to tell me in the comments.

And let's try something new today to encourage that. I want to give away half the SBD from this post to the best comment about a Facebook experience or what the picture reminds you of. It's not much, but it's just a little something for some incentive. It can be positive, negative, funny, terrible, or about whatever Facebook related. You can make a post and leave the link if you want, but it's not necessary. It's just a little something for the best comment.

I'm not going to base the comment off anything like the amount of votes, I'll just pick my favourite one. And of course I'll be up voting the rest of the comments like I always do, so you really can't lose - well...... you can lose by writing something like, "Nice Post." Don't be a loser.

Hope you liked the drawing and I'm looking forward to your Facebook related comments.


I think this picture signifies how much people are obsessed with Facebook. They post whatever happens in their lives on Facebook and are more curious to check the likes and comments than live the real incident themselves. Maybe here, too, people are trying to check what others think of their death on Facebook - rather than peacefully resting in their graves. Maybe what this picture wants to make us realise is that there's so much more to life than a social media. Maybe our lives will end while we are still busy checking for notifications rather accomplishing something for which we are born.

Well said. I like that, "what others think of their death on Facebook." It made me picture someone so consumed with their time on their phone, when they finally look up from the screen, they are in a coffin six feet under. And the only thing that made them realize was them seeing their obituary posted by a friend on Facebook.

Yeah. Something like that sounds really heartbreaking. Not a life I would want to live even for a million dollars.

Maybe they're still posting after death, as well as checking what others are saying about them after passing on...I hope they're giving us some info about what lays ahead for us all...now that they are in that 'other' place...Regards, @angryman

I, like you, occasionally find myself on Facebook and say "what the fuck am I doing here?". I guess my only excuse is that so far I've been pretty unsuccessful in bringing people I know over to Steemit.

The other night, I found myself in one of those situations, scrolling through Facebook, unsure as to how I got there. I stumbled across a post in a local buy/sell/swap/trade group I'm part of, made by a woman seeking emergency dog food for a dog that had unintentionally ended up under her care.

People were immediately barraging her with a bunch of BS about taking in a dog she couldn't afford and things of that nature, even though she had made it clear that she had not intentionally ended up with the dog and was just trying to be a good person.

So I defended her, and although I unfortunately am in a similar financial situation so I couldn't afford the gas to bring it to her, I informed her that if she had a car or could get a ride the Humane Society offers free "emergency food".

Then it got interesting. She apparently didn't read my comment or just completely misinterpreted it as an insult, and got defensive. Other people had continued to insult her while this was going on and before I had a chance to tell her to re-read my comment she deleted the post, probably because out of a dozen or so people I was one of maybe two who offered her any help.

I guess the point is that Facebook, at least in my experience, has just become a breeding ground for hate and a source for people to take out their anger on random strangers on the internet.

Obviously that's not always the case but I can't remember the last time I went on facebook without getting bummed out on the way people were treating each other.

Steemit rewards for help, and that's pretty amazing. Hopefully I can get my friends over here so I don't ever wander onto Facebook again :)

Very true about the hatred on Facebook. I'm starting to wonder if certain people like that sort of drama (I'm sure they do). Maybe they don't have anything exciting going on in the real world, plus there are consequences when you say things in real life, and they are just looking for someone to disagree with online. I always see that in comments on Facebook. There are also a lot of people who wont even read the post/article link and just add their opinion/argument based on the title alone. Then it has to be explained to them that they need to actually read the article, and they get defensive about that - and the 'Hatebook' cycle continues.

Yup - couldn't agree with you more. It's really offputting. I think at one point I got into a depression directly related to seeing the way my old friends would express their views on social media. I have certainly been guilty of it as well, but never when it was unwarranted; I'll step in when someone else is being unfairly targeted; but that's about it.

Even without the rewards the steemit platform beats FB hands down. And now that censorship has entered the picture it is even less inviting. They aren't censoring trolls, but alt points of view.

I think from the picture.
Facebook is a bondage holding us deep in the ground. Keeping our mind busy doing nothing, no creativity, no motivation, no challenge and it doesn't push you to try something new. You are just there wasting your time with no reward.

Nice thoughts. It certainly is holding people down. Even the rare posts from friends are usually related to their opinions on the manipulative content they're seeing on Facebook. It's really being used to divide people to push political agendas. We need to get past that and come together to solve the real problems of today instead of fighting about the latest thing a politician said or did.

I'm assuming you're having some steemit issues today, like me, which is the reason for the double reply. It took me 8 tried to post this before it stuck.

Yeah, small issue....
I hope people will realize themselves and try to be productive with their times. Thanks for your post, at least its a start.

That is a great interpretation. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the picture on the post was something like that, too. But I saw your comment and decided to perceive it a little differently (although the crux is still similar).
I personally have never been that attracted to social media. I use it to stay in touch with people but that's about it. When I see my peers constantly busy with the platform, it saddens me a little more than it should.

I can't remember the last time, I posted my picture on Facebook....little by little they will come to realize their selves. Thanks for ur opinion.

You are very much welcome :)

Facebook is death to your mind, and they will also take your soul if you allow them.

For many, it's already too late.

Sounds like you need to deactivate yr account so you can rise from the grave!

The scary part is saying desctivate and not cancel. There's no getting rid of Facebook.

I think from the picture.
Facebook is a bondage holding us deep in the ground. Keeping our mind busy doing nothing, no creativity, no motivation, no challenge and it doesn't push you to try something new. You are just there wasting your time with no reward.

i think the picture above tell us how our lifes are controlled by facebook and people drool seeing likes and comment in facebook. Back then people writes in their dairy and kept it secret not letting see it. But now people spend 24*7 in facebook posting everything about their life good and bad, checkin every single minutes to count the likes and comment and they are happy when they gets more likes and comment.
i should say people now a days are FACEBOOKHOLIC xD
the picture shows us that even after death people will still be using facebook checking likes and comment about their dead notification.
Social networking has pro's and con's and this things are con or evil i should say which is killing the society slowly. People forget their real life and work and live in facebook.
We are too Consumed by facebook nowadays that we EAT SLEEP DRINK facebook.

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