Pink Dragon artwork

in #art6 years ago

I dont think there are enough pink dragons so I wanted to do my part to remedy that!

I have been trying to work on a style that I can do in what I would consider a comic book fashion. Want it almost a cross between traditional comic book coloring and digital painting. Since working on my own comic book/whatever It has been a chance for me to try some new things.

In a traditional comic usually one person pencils, one inks and last one colors. Since I am doing it all myself I can sort of bounce around and color over the inks or draw on it after it is colored etc, it gives me more flexibility. My main goal is to speed up the process and have something thats still pretty cool.

I often can labor on and on in a piece of artwork but I have been more conscious of just trying to call it quits and move on to the next even if its not what I had envisioned originally.

First the finished piece so it appears as the thumbnail image :)

2018-04-24 17-12 2018-01-26 17-17 dragon head.JPG_012.jpg

This started out as a pencil sketch.

Then I inked it digitally.

Then colored in the background and started roughing in some color.

2018-01-26 17-17 dragon head.JPG_001.jpg

Spruced up the background some and also worked more on his face. Mostly done in Corel painter with the scratchboard tool set at about 30 percent opacity on his face.
2018-01-26 17-17 dragon head.JPG_003.jpg
Then added some more shadows and blending things some and called it good instead of working on it for more hours. I tried a lot to get his tongue pink but nut no matter what I tried it wasnt working so decided against it. It stood out too much.

Overall I think this would work as a comic panel without spending days on it to complete so I am happy with the piece. I always look at it and think man I could make this really cool if I just spent more time doing X but at a certain point I learned to just move on. Thanks for checking it out!


This turned out so cool. I think I like it more because it’s pink! I feel like I need to up my game with traditional tools because it looks awesome when you take a sketch and finish it digitally.

Thanks for the compliment. I find it funny your comment about upping your game because I see your blog and I always think "I gotta step it up".

Glad youre on steem, you are one of the accounts that give me a lot of inspiration.

In return, your words help me a great deal. :) Sometimes I wonder if I’m still on the right track.

When there is talent, creativity is imposed and is evidenced in your work of art,

God damn, dude. That looks fucking great. The color palette kind of reminds me of Ivan Ooze, not gonna lie, haha. Really well done though, bro!

LOL I had to look him up! and it does. Glad you like and thanks for letting me know. At a certain point I usually lose objectivity to I appreciate the feedback.

Your pink dragon scratch art is awesome. Creating a nice art by creating a scratch has made it look as impressive and extraordinarily beautiful. Thank you for sharing


That color palette works really well. Who would have thunk a purple pinkish dragon could look that feisty!

I didnt know if it would myself lol Just figured why not try. I find one of the things about steemit is it brings out my willingness to try new things.

Steem is indeed a great platform to show and share experiments on. If ever we get communities (Hivemind 1.5) that should even further improve the quality of feedback received.

Nice work! I like all the process pieces but even just the pencil sketch is cool as hell. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you I appreciate that. Often I find the pencil is my favorite version. Something about just a pencil on paper that is "pure".

Awwww this is so beautiful. Yeah you’re right , there’s no pink dragons only in the the animations lol . Yeah I don’t go against you having a Comic book, this is so pretty girly dragon.

Nice work, the shadows are so on point

Amazing art great design man

I do not know much about dragon but I like the fourth pitures

That is an amazing pink dragon i liked the colour since it’s not the usual pink (like in pink panther) really that is a unique pink . I loved it

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