
I really like the look of the creatures that you have created.
They are so sharp and clean cut making them look pretty cool and a bit mechanised.
I also love the blend of the light airy colours to create the background.
I guess they may be a bit robotic and dogmatic as they talk all day and converse with each other haha
Another great piece of work @steemit-life

I think the one in the middle is telling a joke. The one in the left is not amused.

Cacophony of discordant companions! Fine expression of art.

It looks like a conversation of a set of political members! That would be nice and great color mixed up! Really appreciate your effort to share with us!

(Thank you very much for giving me a chance to regenerate my upvote power! Now you can enjoy 100% again! I know it's not much, but this is what I have! Thanks~)


Nice art!

@steemit-life - Sire, those creatures reminds me 3 vultures. Love this artwork Sire. I wish to resteem your post Sire.

+W+ [ReSteemed & UpVoted]

are they wearing suits?

They are wearing whatever you want them to wear:)

Thats some impressive art!!!

I like it . Is this are Bird ?

It's whatever you want it to be:)

Great one!

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