More views from the lighthouse over the Indian Ocean - v.3.0

in #art6 years ago

Much to be seen high up above the Indian Ocean. Here are some original photos from Eastern Africa.

What can we see?
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It's a long way down...

Colonial architecture (here is looking at you Europe). Landward, trees, trees, trees... untouched...

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Trees, trees, trees... Old lighthouse, new light!

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One look up above the light of the lighthouse... cool old and very rusted.

Hope you enjoyed these original photos. More to come soon...

Finally a little poem to take us there:

light above the sea, lighting it for you and me, nighttime waves breaking

@haikubot are you there? Hahaha!

Original photos and text copyright @snowyknight


Nice view, you could use that long shadow in a contest. Nice view.
my @haikubot try.

Rusty light so bright, shed the darkness on my way, save my light tonight.

Thanks for stopping by! I wish @haikubot would grace us with her/his presence.

What is the long shadow contest?

Shadow Photo Contest Round 27- Giant Shadows by @melinda010100 I thought you might have already knew about it since you follow @shasta, I think that round is over or will be very soon. It is day 7.

Awesome thanks for sharing. I'll try it out next round. Thanks again!

Awesome to see what produced that mighty shadow on
your previous post @snowyknight!💡__🚤_____⛵____🚢_____🌄

Sky light sky bright, find your way through this delight

Each haiku we call, the great bot for me and you, to bring a smile here.

sometimes trying again helps!

Congratz, your post has been resteemed, upvoted and… featured in The Daily Spotlights of July 21 2018! Check it out to see who nominated you…

Thank you very much. I am now following you and appreciate your support! Have a good night!

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