Connect the Dots [#cryptodots art contest 7]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art6 years ago (edited)


What's #cryptodots?

Join us for another round of the #cryptodots challenge - an artsy call to create your favorite crypto logo. For this ongoing cryptoart extravaganza, participants will be tasked to download the dot grid (below) and to illustrate a cryptocurrency logo of their choice.


  • Download the grid template, below.
  • Draw your favorite cryptocurrency logo.
  • Publish a post of your drawing using the tag #cryptodots and share your link in the comments, below.

Upvote Rewards

Today, our curation team will browse the comment section of this post looking for inspiring and thoughtful favorites. This contest will last 24 hours. Share your entries in the comment section, below.

  • First Place = 75% @sndbox upvote
  • Second Place = 50%
  • Third Place = 25%

> Join the @sndbox Discord! <


Draw on me! (below)


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🎨 Support Creatives ⚙ Curation Trail
100 --- 250 --- 500 --- 1k --- 2k --- 5k --- 10k


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Can you inform me what’s special with “dot grid”? 😊. From the beginning of this event i was trying to connect dots.

That's an excellent question @bidesign :D

For artsy contests like these it helps to have a simple challenge and let people improvise within it. The grid is a way to make the contest accessible to all kinds of creative people. The rules and ideas of aesthetics are very open so long as dots are - somehow - connected. Having that one rule makes for some funky interpretations!

We'll be making some fun animated gifs of different crypto's as the #cryptodots library grows. Thanks to you for being so engaged and participating in these each week :D

Congratulations @aaronhong! You've received the first place upvote this week :)

Thanks for participating in the #cryptodots contest! Swing by our Discord and say hello

Thanks a lot! I made it on time. ^_^) /

This is my entry for this week :

Grille Game.jpg

All success to all...

Congratulations @heroldius! You've received the third place upvote this week :)

Thanks for participating in the #cryptodots contest! Swing by our Discord and say hello

Thanks, it's appreciated...

Congratulations @kingyus! You've received the second place upvote this week :)

Thanks for participating in the #cryptodots contest! Swing by our Discord and say hello

Oh thank you very much!! ;)

P.S. There's supposed to be a post. This here is the post

This Bad boy took me 6 hours on GIMP! Hope i make the cut.. Been watching closely on Nexo now so I figured warum nicht?

1280x1280 pixel by pixel recreation lol

Weekly Challenge #7 [Connect the Dots + Draw Your Favorite Crypto!] (nano)

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