Mark Zuckerberg will meet Emmanuel Macron, and will visit the European Parliament

in #art6 years ago


The Facebook CEO will respond in person to MEPs' questions after the Cambridge Analytica scandal. He will also be received at the Elysée by Emmanuel Macron, in the presence of digital business leaders.

The suspense had been stirring Brussels for several weeks: will come? Will not come? The boss of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, finally agreed to respond to the invitation of representatives of the European Parliament, who had been asking for a month to come to explain the use of personal data of millions of Europeans. Mark Zuckerberg "will be in Brussels as soon as possible, I hope next week" to meet the presidents of the various groups in Parliament, said the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani. Contacted by AFP, Facebook said that this meeting would be an opportunity to "dialogue, listen to their views and show the measures" taken by the Internet giant "to better protect people's privacy." Contrary to what many parliamentarians were hoping for, the meetings will be held in camera with the group leaders of Parliament. Guy Verhostadt, president of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Liberals for Europe, has already announced that he will boycott the meeting if it is not public.


Smells like business Here !!

Zuck in the interface again!!

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