When Dance Meets Technology: The Future Of Art ?

in #art6 years ago

Art and Technology is not always something that goes together, but actually, combining the two can create something unique.

Being a dancer but also in the tech business, you must keep your passion a priority - otherwise you won't find enough time for it!

Sometimes, art and technology can seem like a juxtaposition.

Art and creativity seem to be so free, so flowing and erratic, while technology is logic, fast-paced, and innovative.
But being both, an artist and an Entrepreneur, I can see the unique beauty of combining them, and the potential that it has.

Dancing has been a passion of mine since my teens, and amazing dance videos mesmerize me.

And sometimes, when creativity and dance actually combine with technology, it creates something amazing!

That's why I decided to show you 2 inspiring dance videos today, in which dancing is being paired with technology to create a piece of art.

1) Incredible performance with deep message about technology

The first video I'd like to share is from talented choreographers Keone & Mari Madrid.

The california-based duet has been working with big names with Justin Bieber, and taught workshops all over the world.
Being legends within the dance community already, they became even more public when appearing at NBC's "World of Dance" this year.

In their performance "Like real people do", they are communicating a powerful message about technology, smartphones, and their impact on our lives!

Nowadays, it seems like we are constantly in front of electronic screens. Whether that's a laptop, smartphone, tablet or smart watch - there are so many devices that always keep us connected, always keep us online, always keep us busy.

In their performance, Keone and Mari are highlighting how we can become so distracted by technology that we're actually missing out on the beauty of the world around us!

There are so many artistic elements in this performance that make it truly unique and emotional.

First of all, the choreography, the special moves and the partner effects are incredible!
But also they way the utilized the phones - they were incorporated into the routine perfectly.
And lastly, of course the deeper message that lies behind this masterpiece!

2) A robot-human dance duet

I actually discovered this video on TED just a few days ago.

It's called "The future of art: a human/robot dance duet"!

It's interesting that they chose to title it the future of art - implying that technology will take over all parts of our lives in the future, even the creative ones.

This piece is performed by taiwanese dancer and choreographer Huang Yi.

He has always been fascinated with robots, ever since he was a little child - and now, he decided to incorporate them in his art.
The robot KUKA accompanies him on stage, creating a strange duet and a totally new concept of "Art meets Technology".
When asked about his experience with KUKA, Huang says that "Dancing face to face with a robot is like looking at my own face in a mirror ... I think I have found the key to spin human emotions into robots."

HUANG YI & KUKA is a poetic work that intertwines modern dance and visual arts with the realm of robotics, revealing humanity through a series of vignettes between live dancers and KUKA, a robot conceptualized and programmed by Huang. (...) He interweaves continuous movement with mechanical and multimedia elements to create a form of dance which corresponds with the flow of data, effectively making the performer a dancing instrument.

This performance depicts the relationship between dance and technology (or really, humans and technology) in a totally different way.
Rather than being a distraction, the technology is part of the whole experience this time.

It functions in synergy with the human, they move together and become one with the music.

What if this really was the future of art - a kind of art that is enhanced by technology ?

Both videos combine dancing and electronics, art and technology - but in different ways, with different messages.

Which of the two videos did you enjoy more, and what is your perception about combining creativity with technology? What is the "future of art" for you?

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© Sirwinchester


Some more art and dance can be found on Musicoin @sirwinchester check out this new news... Russia's IPChain and Musicoin to Join Forces?

Your dance feels good all the time. It's very interesting 😍

Thank you , appreciate it 😁

I like how they had that non-humanoid robot dance with the person and almost convey emotion. Very interesting!

Exactly! This just goes to show how a dance/music performance is always able to create emotions within the audience, no matter who the "artist" is.

Some nice contemporary moves in that first 1. I didn't love the robot dance as much, although, it was pretty distinctive and curious for sure.

More and more Media & the Arts are being combined. There's been a lot of cool interactive art installations these past few years. I recently heard about one where you're in this room with mist and as you move & dance through it lights project onto you leaving a shadow of your movements. So you can dance around and see your projected image behind you.

The first video is definitely my favorite as well. The attitude, the choreography, the emotion.. everything is just perfect in that performance.

I'm actually really interested to see how technology will influence art in the future - like you said, there are more and more art installations coming and it's only getting better!
That "art room" with mist and lights sounds amazing by the way.

Beautiful dance

Thank you very much!

Interesting videos. I do prefer the first for there is a message. That the human behind the tech will always be the value and where true essence exists.

The second video I still feel that there is a human behind the actions of both physical forms and there is also no powerful narrative which would leave one thinking deeper on the matter.

I do agree with your view though. That technology and artificial intelligence will no doubt enter the art space and take it to a new level. As it currently exists however, it is still human in charge.

Thinking ahead though, I can imagine a robot which perfects break dancing and the art of spinning on one's head. Creating some spectacular visuals. I picture a humanoid, able to truly recognize and express emotion that a new form of contemporary dance will be realized.

The Existential Element is at the root of dance imo. When expressed solely from the non biological. It would be immensely powerful as we would be able to observe, relate but also be left with wonder. Similar to when one watches a plant grow in timelapse. One can appreciate the beauty but never completely comprehend 'being' from it's perspective.

Well done for what you are doing also. I really have a positive view and strong belief for Appics. I am looking forward to it's existence and greatly looking forward to it succeeding and fulfilling it's mission.

I saw HUANG YI & KUKA dance few days ago. At first I thought that this is nonsense, because the dancer can easily adapt to the previously defined motion of the robot and to iron out all its flaws. I mean, human can correct those errors in real time.

But, I was amazed that they move as synchronous even when the robot is out of the sight of of the dancer. It was amazing.

Meaning the dancer already has a full knowledge of how tech works and can using it as means to entertain his audience in real time.

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