Happy Saturday full of joy!

in #art6 years ago

Well, yesterday I was in "pause" from my usual online activities. I needed to take a break from my laptop and to spend the day thinking about my work, planning what I have to do and what I want to do and, just to know, I had also a very bad mood. Maybe because it was a rainy and grey Friday, maybe because I was a bit frustrated about some results in my work, maybe because I was simply in a bad mood (sometimes it happens, right? ^_^).

Fortunately, today I'm feeling better, I'm in my usual, (almost) happy mood and with the right energy to come back to my artworks and to my online activities. As you can undertsand, for an artist or a creative person, the online activities are really important to share his/her works to the other people and (sure) to sell his/her "products". I've always used the social media to share what I do, because I know my customers appreciate to know better my artworks and a bit of myself too. It takes time. For example, on facebook I have my own account where I share my artworks and my thoughts writing in italian, I'm more "real" there because the most part of my facebook friends is people that I know and so I can express myself  in a different way and not just to share what I'm painting. My facebook account is open just to my friend because I want to save myself from some bad experiences I lived in the past (like to receive sexual advances ^_^). For customers, I use my facebook page where I wrote in English and where to share just thought about arts, creativity and awesome thoughts. I love to share with my customers the best part of myself and this thing also help me to  feel me positive and in a good mood. You know, if you smile, the world smiles to you! ^_^

Yesterday I closed my laptop and I decided to  focus my attention on my work. Sometimes I need to do it and not just to paint, but also to think about my way on art. As you know, I started to paint just after my 40th birthday and so, after some years and even if I have positive feedbacks about what I do, I'm not so satisfied about my artworks. My hubby always say to me it's a common feeling, it's the same for him even if he's doing this work from about 30 years and I also think it's an "useful" feeling because thanks my doubts I'm more motivated to improve my skills, to experiment myself doing something more every day. 

I'm feeling as a baby in the way  of art and, even if I have some bad days when I feel myself frustrated, I know  that feeling really helps me! At my age, I think about art like a way to express myself and I don't feel the need to make a career in this field, so I can feel myself free, I don't have a cage and no compromise.

I have just to enjoy what I'm doing and this is really an awesome thought! ^_^

See ya later


silvia beneforti

Hi dear! Me personally I like your artworks, and your beautiful paintings, sometimes it’s happen , when the weather sad , grey , you also you will feel a bad mood.
Have a nice Saturday!

A nice Saturday to you too, dear friend ^_^

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