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RE: It's pissing down so I did some freaky shit on my tablet

in #art6 years ago

I didn't start out looking at vids - I was researching health stats by country - America is worst with NZ close behind, while Japan is one of the best.

Next red flag - cancer rates in Hiroshima and Nagasaki are low - much lower than most American cites and no worse than anywhere else in Japan.

And then - pictures of those cites after they were "nuked" clearly show that they were carpet bombed just like Tokyo and the damage was mainly from fires.

After that I started looking at all nuke pictures and videos and they are all obvious fakes.

Nobody is claiming any nukes have gone off for decades because like moon landings it would be obviously fake now.

I've given up arguing it because people squawk like chickens, but I defy anyone to prove a nuke has ever gone off...


Very interesting and all good points. I will certainly dig into it. It wouldn't surprise me for a minute. We have been so psy-oped in just about every possible way that this could easily be another one. Certainly there was a major motive to do this which was the Cold War. They needed to scare people into surrendering to the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex to protect them from the Soviets who could barely keep their people fed without hidden support and supply lines from the US behind the scenes. The book "From Major Jordan's Diaries" by George Racey Jordan goes into detail on this.

We also know from the incredibly well researched books of Professor Antony Sutton that both Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany were funded by Wall Street. This is also the reason that Averell Harriman, the Wall Street representative and railroad scion, was ambassador to the USSR in Moscow for ages. He was the go between managing the propping up of the Soviets and Stalin behind the scenes. Of course this is the same Averell Hariman that was the Skull and Bones buddy and business partner of the Bushes and that were all partners in W.A. Harriman & Company. The same W.A. Harriman & Company that started Union Banking Corporation that funded the Nazis as well.

So our history has been one con after another. I don't even blink at another one like you've mentioned. It's in fact very likely the case..

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