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RE: Less is more - Weniger ist mehr [English/Deutsch]

in #art7 years ago

Thanks for the hint (and your feedback).
I know about the possibility of embedding an < img src > into an < a href > tag.
It's really a pitty, that you cannot embed the target="_blank" attribute, though.
So I will have wait for the integration of jquery lightboxes and slideshows like fancybox for example.


Is there any announcement about something like fancybox?
It's an interesting approach to give some client side tools to creators.

I've not yet heard about such an announcement yet... Maybe or any other coming frontend will integrate this. I'm sure they're listening.

Thanks for linking, never heard about it!

Schönes Wochenende :)

Kein Thema! Das wünsche ich dir auch.

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