Roadkill - A Steemit Exclusive Animation

in #art7 years ago (edited)

It isn't often that I feel compelled to make art. I often desire to make art, but there's a big different between wanting to do something and needing to do it. 

Yesterday I saw something terrible. I saw a rabbit run into oncoming traffic and get hit by a truck. I could see that even after getting hit, it was still alive, trying unsuccessfully to drag itself with it's unbroken front legs. That's all I saw. I kept driving.

I've seen roadkill hundreds of times before, but it's different to actually see a creature get injured and suffer before meeting its inevitable death.

Something about the scene left quite an impression on me and I felt like I had to immortalize the moment. 

Usually when I animate violence, it's comedic. That isn't my intent with this piece. 

Honestly, I don't know what my intent it. I just had to draw it, so I did. Here it is:

Roadkill (2017)

Sorry if I've ruined your day.



Nooooo! It's like Watership Down...

"...magically transformed into the most unusual and provocative film you're ever likely to see."

That's a pretty strong sell. Is this supposed to be a children's film? Hard to tell.

I think in 70's England, it was a family film or at least ok for older kids.

I love Watership Down!

Yeah @sethlinson, an amazing film... Can't beat the old animated movies.

There's nothing quite like traditional hand-drawn animation.

Yeah, 80's is my fav era.

very interesting drawing, and dont be sorry if you ruined anyones day! As humans it is necessary to consecutively point out the negatives, the atrocities and the horrors for we cannot simply ignore them. It is a beautiful to dream but we must sometimes be called back to reality..


Thank you for upvoting my photo. If you like that one you may like my other ones.

make it bloodbath next time :)

It's a great reminder of mortality. One night many years ago, while walking home at 3am after work, I saw two cats playing on the sidewalk. One ran out onto the street, and was struck by a taxi cab, didn't slow down, didn't swerve. I ran up to see the cat lying there, breathing its last breath as its friend observed from the sidewalk. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't help. Oddly, I thank you for this post for reminding me.

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