The Tale of lists

in #art7 years ago

The Tale of lists
Word-for-word translation from Russian into English]
The elderly man came up to bookcases.
He took off the bookshelf the book by Boris Nicitine 'Роковые годы'. This historical work was firstly published in Paris in 1937. There is date on back side of cover: 7 May, 1937. [English edition: Nicitine B.V. The Fatal Years. London. 1938].
He opened the book.
It was remembered.
There were no real authorities. But the front-line was existed yet.
And, besides the front-line, the army's and officer's structures still were existed.
These structures put forward an initiative: to create security service (counter-reconnaissance service). According this initiative the military counter-reconnaissance service of Petrograd military district was established. This security service was forming for common inhabitants of Petrograd an illusion as if a real Law enforcement body is functioning in their city.
Boris Nicitine, - the head of security service, - was making attempts to prosecute famous Bolshevics.
One of occasions was July rebellion of 1917. The suspicions were announced: that this rebellion was organized according instructions on Germany and was financed by Germany.
A few lines in the book of much value.
But he, the elderly man, can remember these times clear.
The tens of phone appeals were sent to us. They asked about help against criminal attacks. Calls were from different shops, banks, flats. The women cried... There were calls of fear, calls about help... My first desire was to make some help. But how? What personal I can to send for help?.. May be I mast to call in militia's region departments? These departments responded with silence. Those, who directed to me their appeals, informed me, that militia disappeared. I was listen the cries and asks of women by phone. And I was recognizing my helpless. I was responding nothing. I was putting down the receiver. I tried not to think about these appeals. But it's impossible to forget these women's cries.'
Criminal mill was grinding the people. How much humans it crushed? Ones? Tens? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? No lists!'
The elderly man continued to turn pages of the book.
'Public prosecutor charged Bolsheviks with high treason and organization of armed rebellion - according the articles 51, 100 and 108 of criminal code. It's inefficient? Bur as threatening mirage Trotsky have influence over around. He did not escape like Lenin. He was sending an ironical letters, asking when he would be arrested. He knocked upon the soviet's tribune and loudly asked them:
'You are charging Bolsheviks with high treason and organization of armed rebellion? You are putting them into prisons? But I was acting with them! And I am here! Why you do not arrest me?'
They kept silence.'
Trotsky was put into prison July, 23. During the period of August and September [1917] new ministers of justice set free and Trotsky, and others - one by one - those, who were putting into prisons by ours efforts.'
The once are lefts... Many are rights... They are both scanty in comparison with hundred million mass, fooled by phantoms...'.
Trotsky is visibly higher, then his environment... October of Trotsky is approaching... Trotsky is winning over the military units... The whole huge organization work made a result for Bolsheviks: this work escorted under cupola of Trotsky capital's riff-raff and soldiers.
The elderly man returned the book on the bookshelf and came toward the table.
The sheet of paper laid beside him.
His look was for some moments fixed on the phrases, typed.
'The another people could to say their Government: you are - the loosers! go down off! We will create a new Government, which will sign a peace treaty with Germany, and so we will guarantee us a calm life. But Russian people didn't took such a choice. But Russian people decided to straggle - with a great victims and casualties, - and to win Germany.'
The assistant entered into office-room^

  • The boxes with lists are arrived. Addressed to You, personally. The sender... Name of the sender... - is written uncommonly...
    -'The boxes?' - the elderly man has smiled slightly. - '...Check the address'.
    Assistant went out the office-room.
    Elderly man made some steps along the table. He moved the documents. 'Also - lists'.
    He fixed in the list one of the candidates. Sheets of paper with the autobiography laid near. His look was scrolling down the text.
    'Was born in the family of a priest... The father continues to be a priest now...
    [Graduated from seminary of Kostroma city in January, 1915, - by external way].
    In in January, 1915, was enrolled in Alekseevsky [cadet] military school (Moscow). Graduated from military school with rank of прапорщик (ensign, warrant officer) on June, 1, 1915. Before demobilization of exEmperor's Army I realized military service with rank of Stuff-Capitan.
    Since October, 1937, to present time - I head of 1-st department of General Staff of Red Army.
    Wasn't included in illegal activity against Tsar's government and others bourgeois governments.
    I had no connections with illegal organizations or concrete Bolsheviks revolutionaries...
    ...October, 27, 1938.'
    Elderly man read the words about 'concrete Bolsheviks revolutionaries'. Smiled. 'Peter's traditions!' - he had thought.
    He made a record in list near name: 'I order to prepare the appointment of this commander on the post of the Head of General Staff'.

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