Chaos & Creations of the Weird: Art Collection Vol. 2

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Chaos & Creations of the Weird: Intro

Welcome back, this is Vol.2 of Chaos & Creations of the Weird Art Collection. Please check out: Chaos & Creations of the Weird: Art Collection Vol. 1 for the first set of dreamtime collages and the genesis story on how all this madness started.

This is my best description of this Post & Art Collection:

The Chaos & Creations of the Weird: Art Collection is my collection of dreamtime collages, they contain Burroughs inspired cut-ups, remix and bootleg surrealism; the editing is experimental & shamanic; the setting most times psychedelic and exquisite; and the narrative involves poetic identity dissolution, mirrors, quotes, labyrinths of infinite reflection and the dreamtime.

As a general process of reading something (I really enjoy) I take notes, writing down on a piece of paper whatever quote that glimmers to my mind's eye. I usually just have a stack of notes laying around, never really knowing why until that strange moment when the creations of the weird sing to me, some kind of reverse Déjà vu.

Sidenote: Maybe it's time that we put some music on. Here's what I was listening to, when editing and putting together this post: DJ Spooky - INFINITE ABSTRAKTION MIX. This is an old mix, but it was a free release on Reality Sandwich back in the early days. It's something I have been obese with and have shaped my perception ever since that fateful night I put on my headphones and pressed play. Basically, it’s a mix straight from the heart of some of New York’s finest collage artists!(circa 2010)

Ok, Ok, Ok, Back To The Show

I got all these Ideas swirling around, and
swimming around my consciousness,
the trouble seas of the ocean of possibilities,
fragments of dreams cause glitches of reality,
half-spoken truths cause broken hearts of yesteryear

The Death of The Narrative
Crisis and Transformation
Infinite Reflection and Liberation
Evolving Consciousness to those digital beats

Language is a virus from Outerspace, and
these words have been stuck in (inner)space
for far too long, now is the time,
to purge all the forgotten dreams,
broken ideas and lost feelings

Chaos is the Rhyme,
I'm piecing together Space & Time

The best way to predict the future is to make it
Program or be programmed

Lessons in Chaos, Find the other,
those Mutant fun people
And Create The Weird

did you know that the word weird,
comes from Wyrd is a concept in Anglo-Saxon
culture roughly corresponding to fate
or personal destiny

so that's weird really is
some kind of divine order(chaos)
and perhaps this is IT

Chaos & Creations of the Weird #10


Look around you and notice how abundantly the circular pattern of the mandala appears in your environment. you can see this geometric shape in all aspects of life. The sun in the sky, the nucleus of the cells in your body, and the pristine design of a snowflake all have the scared roundness of the mandala. In fact, according to the ancient science of Sacred Geometry, it is the pattern created by interlocking spheres, that forms the matrix of all universal matter.

As we rest our gaze upon a mandala, the mind becomes as still as the surface of a pool of water…(Notes on Mandalas)

Sidenote: The note and the inspiration for this piece was due to having an Infinite Imaginarium Show with @adammillwardart.

Chaos & Creations of the Weird #11

Lessons in Chaos,
Find the other, those Mutant fun people
And Create The Weird

Chaos & Creations of the Weird #12

Things seem to progress, only to slow down and regress.
The world is a strangely beautiful place, full of emptiness,
pain, heartache, bliss, joy, and laughs.

Chaos & Creations of the Weird #13

There are deep network connections
Ideas pushing and pulling us together
It's not that the ideas belong to us
rather it's that we belong to the ideas

Chaos & Creations of the Weird #14

I don't know what it is about you,
but I can't seem to get you out of my mind
visions of you haunt me for some reason

You want to hear another deep dark secret,
there is an emptiness, a deep emptiness inside,
its bittersweet, something sublime

we all know it, even if we choose not to believe it,
maybe belief is a bad word, feel it?

pay attention to it, running around, year after year,
chasing this something, anything

to full up this bottomless pit of nothingness,
but the strange thing about this emptiness

Chaos & Creations of the Weird #15

Life is not a series of gig lamps symmetrically arranged;
life is a luminous halo, a semi-transparent envelope
surrounding us from the beginning of consciousness to the end.

Chaos & Creations of the Weird #16

it moved the way things do in dreams
appearing soundlessly from nowhere

Chaos & Creations of the Weird #17

ok, ok, ok
I'm eating shrooms all the time, I don't know
what is 'real' or what is 'imagination',
this morning I woke up with a bright Idea
that all of life is but a dream
but wait I think I'm still stuck in
it's all good, my whole life is a rhyme

Thoughts are thought
What's said is said
I thought that before you said it
I didn't mean to think out loud
My tongue slipped but who let it?
Let it be, let me be, let me go, nah let IT out

Chaos & Creations of the Weird #18

Get rid of all the shit that is covering your shine -
Because I’m about to spit a rhyme

Waging a war against the wackness,
pushing the limits of reality thru poetry,
imaginary and music streaming infinity via hyperspace

The grit and grind, The wheel of time
all of eternity is mine

Eternity’s palm, holding the everywhen
Infinity never loses glitz and shine
only if you remember to grind

eating pancakes at the doorstep of the trickster,
playing ding dong ditch at the abyss
laughing with the cosmic giggle at the edge of space/time

Sidenote: This is when the Weird became clear, as I gain clarity in the comments;

@kimberlylane: I was once told weird comes from the word wyrd and means spiritual. So your post could be titled: Chaos and Creations of the Spiritual. Your words and collage work really do impress and resonate with me.

Now before this point, I never consciously knew this about the word weird. I had to look it up, thinking that this can't true because that seems too weird!

@kimberlylane: Yes, after learning the true meaning of weird, when I hear someone preface something they're going to say with, "This might sound weird, but..." I prepare myself for something special, spiritual and sacred they're about to share with me.

Yes, Yes, this is so true, generally speaking when someone says "This might sound weird, but..." it's something that is kind of spiritual. I know personally, I always start off my most Dreamtime stories, like this "So I had this really weird Dream last night" and usually something personally I would classify as a vision. Very interesting and amazing stuff, something I never really put all together. And this is when

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -Hunter S. Thompson

We'll Stop here when Satori turns pro,
musing on the weird

cutting-up the past, so that
the future can leak out

the art of literally cutting up text and images
in a random fashion and then reassembling them
to form new, unexpected patterns

by doing so, we destabilize language,
perception, and reality and get closer to the truth,
externalizing what is already internalized

Infinite Reflection,
Chaos and Transformation
The Only Magic Left is Art

Down and out,
sitting at the edge of the abyss,
life in the trenches of hyperspace

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