in #art7 years ago (edited)

122x80cm Acrylic on wood. Ibiza 2006. Private collection Ibiza.


Once upon a time there was a man living on a planet named Earth. On it, there were birds, fruit trees and fresh water. He had all he needed to survive.
As he observed the gracious flight of the birds, he painfully longed to do so also.
One day he had a plan, and asked the birds if they would help him spin the large wheel he had built that would be the motor to move his big artificial wings to try to fly.
He had made the gear with pretty little tempting houses made to fulfill people´s wishes built on the dream of a tv frame strip.

The naive birds willingly helped him move his large wheel with all their stregth but it was far too much for them and they became trapped, then cristalised dead into a lovely stained glass window.
So, this man then decided to find other sources of energy to move his large wheel, making an other wheel out of the fresh water he found and an other with all the fruit trees. Bringing both these close to the gear of his big wheel it finally moved and was able to beat the wings he wished to fly with. His dream was finally fulfilled.
Shortly after, he died of hunger and thirst. Thistly from no water, hungry from no food and no longer being able to admire the flight of the birds.
He was known to have died of famine but I know he had died long before that, with his boundless ambition.

Some images of the process:






En Español:
Erase una vez un señor que vivía en un lugar llamado Tierra. Había pájaros, árboles frutales y agua potable, tenía todo lo que necesitaba para vivir.
Observando el grácil vuelo de los pájaros surgió en él el deseo de poder hacer lo mísmo.
Un día pidió colaboración a los pájaros para hacer girar su gran rueda. Ésta haría batir unas grandes alas artificiales que había fabricado. El engranaje lo había construido con casas bonitas hechas para cumplir con el sueño de personas limitadas a sus pequeñas vidas de deseos, que harían también girar su rueda, sobre imágenes de una existencia vivida a través de la televisión. Los pájaros ingénuos, accedieron a ayudar con toda su fuerza, pero fue un esfuerzo superior a sus posibilidades y quedaron atrapados, cristalizados, pasando a ser una bonita vitrina…pero sin vida.
Así que este señor buscó otras fuentes de energía para mover su rueda. Hizo otra rueda con el agua y otra con los árboles frutales. Ambas juntas fueron capaces de hacer girar su rueda y así batieron sus grandes alas y completó su sueño, peró pasó una cosa… se murió de hambre y sed. Los árboles no pudieron darle comida, ni el agua su sed, ni pudo contemplar la belleza del vuelo de sus pájaros.
Materialmente se cree que murió de hambre pero yo sé que ya hacía tiempo que murió…con su dedeo. Desmesurado


Oh my god, what a painting, what a story. I would meet many souls in India telling me about amazing Ibiza but a painting/story like this tells me so much more. Wonderful creation, much love.

Thank you Bob for stopping by and reading. Oh yes India is full of Ibizans in winter, this island is a very special place on this planet, changing fast like everything, but still has the qualities of a place made from people who don´t fit in regularised societies but now little by little taken over by those who chase the shadow of this dream but have no content and think they can just buy it! Oh well.... I still love it here. You live in India permanently?

Hey @romanie, nice to connect with Ibiza :-) We drove to India with a crazy peace and love truck 15 years ago, never came back :-) We have 2 children born here who don't want to live with us on a boring South-Indian mountaintop anymore, we just moved to Goa to let them experience the Western culture a bit. We have been thinking about South-Europe and Ibiza but Ibiza sounds very expensive to us :-)

"...Those who chase the shadow of this dream but have no content and think they can just buy it"

I have seen that so many times. My motto has always been "No attachments, cashing in and moving on", hard core but life is change by definition and if we want to live life to the fullest, change is important, much love.

from what you say in this comment I can see me being one of your kids and you being one of my parents... Your story is similar to my mum´, (but ini Ibiza, not India)... I have had a very stimulating, beautiful and intense childhood learning to survive out there, no tv, electricity, running water, no money, etc...I don´t recommend Ibiza because it´s REALLY expensive now, it´s taking a similar turn to San Francisco, if you are familiar with that change. South coast of Spain mainland is very cheap and has wonderful places still. You might want to check out places over there!

I wouldn't mind some South Spain tips. We know Orgiva and it is actually top of the list of places we might like. Major issue for us is finding some English education. Ibiza and Orgiva score good on this but we have no clue about other places.

Orgiva is in the Alpujarras. I have been in the area but don´t know that place exactly. It´s full of alternative kind of people, kinda like ibiza but less cool. I don´t know about english education there, but by the amount of foreigners there i´m sure there must be something. I know that Malaga is cheaper and they have also english school. Mallorca is also very special and has english speaking free schools. I love Mallorca.I know more about Mallorca than Alpujarras. There is also a great place in The Sierra de Aracena in the border to Portugal, north of Huelva. Take a look at that. It´s where a lot of the people who found Alpujarras too expensive and popular, moved to this more authentic area.

This is beautiful. Love the idea

Thank you for stopping by! ;-)

Wow yes this is so beauriful. I really like that you took pictures of your progress and the poem or story!!!

I'm following for sure! Thanks for sharing your art

Thank you! The painting process comes like the story, bit by bit telling itself, no previous plan... I also like ot hear other people´s interpretation of the image, also teaches me more! Thank you for checking it out!

You're welcome, thank you for explaining the process. It's interesting, so you write the stort as you paint and vis versa?

yes, exactly, many times the images come by themselves and then the story comes after and so on!

Great. It's beautiful. Going to look at more art on your page!

Interesting parable to accompany the painting. It echoes the sentiment of this unattributed quote.

"When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money."

Hi Leo... yes, I guess it´s a subject that I live with keeps popping up in paintings.

I guess it is a constant topic on Ibiza.

Right, on Ibiza it is very obvious because we are a small ecosystem, but it´s jest easier to see this worldwide problem.

your orange and amber colours are just gorgeous <3 you have such a beautiful eye for this palette <3 love the idea and love the finished picture <3 beautiful work <3

Thank you! I do seem to have a tendency to amber colours, I really try to go for other but I always tend to give it a amber glaze at the end, to feel comfortable...

i think it suits you very well :D your style has something earthy and surreal about it and amber perfectly carries it ! <3

keep on being you <3

Thank you Veryspider! ;-)

exceptional creativity and excellent technique!
You are very successful. congratulations. I would love to be like you :)

Thank you for the compliment but you should never want to be like anyone but yourself! Not for success but for ones own necessity to understand and grow. Everyone has some unique point of view, and that is richness.

Oh wow! What a lovely, sad tale. The illustration is beautiful! I am upvoting, resteeming and following.

Thank you for upvoting and the comment! It is a sad reality we live with unfortunately...or I see it near me.

Thank you Otto!! xxxx

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