Daily Holi-Art #73: Thoughful Gift -100% Power Up PoststeemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemians! It's daily Holi-Art time!


The idea of my daily Holi-Art is to create a piece of art with the theme based around that day's less popular or even funny national or international holiday. Today is December 3rd and thanks to the website www.daysoftheyear.com, I have learned that it is Roof Over Your Head Day, Disability Day and Make a Gift Day. So today I will post an original piece of artwork that corresponds with one or more of these particular 'holidays'.

This is today's rendering:

Thoughtful Gift

Be thankful for that roof over your head and make someone a gift with your own hands instead of going to Hell-Mart and buying a piece of mass produced garbage that will eventually be thrown in a landfill soon.

Huh? Did you just ask what today's picture is of?!......*facepalm* Don't act like you've never recorded your own special mix tape over one of your crappy cassette tapes and then given it to a crush! C'mon, music speaks to eeeeveryone.



Progression Photos:

picture used as reference

Alright guys, I hope you all enjoyed this original content! If you did, please feel free to upvote and follow! And as always, if you have questions or advice for me, please leave them in the comments.


Make sure to watch for tomorrow's Holi-art!






I love these posts @rigaronib!! Keep up the good work.

Thanks so much @susanne! Have fun in Finland!

Ah yes.., such "fond" memories of the mixed tape :))

I like how you put quotes around fond. Haha!

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